Part 31 (Female)

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Me, My brother, Wilde and Power met at the Factory's entrance.

"So, I guess we're headed to Canterlot." I said.

"That's What Ms. Dash said to do." My Brother replied.

"Does anybody even know what direction the city is in? I never really paid attention in geography class." Y/M/N admitted. I giggled a bit at his confession.

"That makes two of us." I replied. He smiled at me.

"Like brother like sister i guess." Power Surge commented.

"In all Seriousness, I have a map and i guess you could say 'Sat Nav' installed. It's there in case we needed to find Pegasi who didn't live in Cloudsdale. But it's a good thing that it's installed. I guess it can also help track down an escapee." Wilde told us. we nodded.

"How come I don't have a Sat Nav?" Power asked. Sounding a little dissapointed.

"You'll have to ask Crimson about that one. I may be a cyborg but I don't know all the answers. It's a shock I know. But I don't know everything." Wilde replied. I rolled my eyes at her joke. 

"Anyway, It's a Two Day flight for you two. Since you need rest and food and stuff. Me and Power would be able to make it in half a day but i guess we're taking a while." Wilde said, She didn't sound annoyed at us slowing her down.

"Well, Let's get going. Who knows what Soft Sprite is doing right now." Y/M/N said. I flapped my C/C wings and took off, following behind Wilde.

After a two day flight, consisting of conversations that, if taken out of context, would have petrified anyone who heard us. (Thankfully we weren't near any ponies who could hear us) We arrived at a sign that said 'Welcome to canterlot' I looked beyond the sign and Felt a little out of place. Most of these ponies were unicorns, and All of them had some kind of fancy attire on.

It was kind of intimidating. Me, Y/M/N and Power Weren't wearing anything fancy. And Wilde was concealed by her Cloak. Even she must have felt out of place. Because she put up her hood. Something that she would normally never do.

"Let's ask around. Soft Sprite couldn't have gone far."

"Wait! Apparently she's going to the palace. We should ask around nearer to the palace." I said. Walking in the direction of the huge castle.

"We should make ourselves look presentable. Because right now we are Definitely NOT going to blend in." Y/M/N suggested.

"Y/M/N's right. We should get some fancy clothes."

"With what? We don't have any money!" Power interjected.

"Then i guess we're doing the old 'Steal from a washing line' trick." I said, Flying upwards and looking for a back yard with a full washing line. I found one and gestured for the others to follow. We landed in the back yard, making sure nobody was around.

"Okay, Take your pick." I said, scanning the line to pick out my outfit. (You can choose you and your twin's clothes)

"Do I really have to take off My cloak? I don't like being without it." Wilde said. Y/M/N glanced at her sympathetically.

"I know how you must feel. But it's for the good of the factory." He told her. She nodded before taking a short Light Blue dress with Yellow frills on the skirt and sleeves. Power had no trouble finding a black tuxedo and slipping it on.

"Great. Now that we all look socially acceptable for canterlot locals, we should start asking around by the palace." Power said. Flapping his wings and taking off towards the palace. We followed.

At the base of the palace we were met with Huge doors and Two unicorn royal guards clad in gold armour.

"I got this." I said, walking up to the guards.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you but have you seen this Filly? Me and my team are trying to track her down. she went missing a few days ago and her parents are really worried." I Lied, pulling out the picture of Soft Sprite. The guard on the Left's eyes sparked in recognition.

"Soft Sprite? She same here a few days ago.  She's in the guest rooms while she awaits an audience with Princess Celestia." I smiled.

"Great! So can we see her? We need to take her home." Y/M/N joined the conversation.

"I'm sorry, But Soft Sprite has said she does not want anyone to see her." The guard said.

"Oh... Well, just let her know that her family want to take her home. I'll let her mother know she's safe. Thank you." I said. The Guard Smiled.

"Anytime Miss." And with that, Me and Y/M/N walked back to Power and Wilde.

"So?" Wilde said.

"She's in one of the guest rooms while she waits for an audience with Celestia." Y/M/N told them.

"And they won't let us in to see her."

"So we break in tonight." Power whispered simply. We all left the area and waited in a nearby park until nightfall.

"It's dark. Let's go." Power said.

"Me and Power will distract the guards. You two, get Her."

"How will we know which room she's in?" Y/M/N asked.

"She's in room number 7. I may or may not have cloaked as a guard while you were sleeping and asked around." Power admitted.

"Right. Get us to her window." We took off and Power led us to said window. Luckily for us, Nobody was guarding the windows. 

"We'll take care of the guards." power said, Flying off with Wilde. Leaving me with my twin to capture the failure.

"We don't Even have a Bag!" I whisper-yelled to him.

"Speak for yourself. I brought a sack with me. We can smuggle her out with this." He pulled out a brown sack from his pocked.

"Why are stallion's pockets so much bigger than Fillies pockets?" I muttered, annoyed.

"Beats me. So, how are we getting in? Should we smash the window? or-" Y/M/N was cut off when i opened the window from the outside. It opened enough for us to get in.

"Or we could do that." He commented, sneaking in behind me.

"She's sleeping." I commented. I snuck to the head of the bed and clasped a hoof around her mouth. before dragging her Into the bag that Y/M/N was holding open. He tied the bag shut so that enough oxygen to live would get in, but the amount would keep her weak.

"Let's go." I smirked, He smirked back and we flew out of the room. From the ground, Power looked up and elbowed Wilde. Who then looked up. They said something to the guards and waved before meeting us in the air. We landed before we were spotted.

"Good Job. Now Let's get back to the factory.

"Wilde, You should go ahead of us with the failure. You can go faster than us." Y/M/N suggested.

"I'll stay back with them. Just send me a picture of a map. we'll make our way back." Power volunteered.

"Are you sure?" Wilde asked. We all nodded. Wilde smirked.

"Okay. I'll see you in a couple days." Wilde flew off after Y/M/N handed her the bag with the failure in it.

"See ya." I said as she flew off.

"We should stop for the night there." Power pointed to a hotel.

"Again, We don't have any Money." Y/M/N pointed out.

"Actually, we do. I may have mugged some ponies."

"Power-" I began but was cut off.

"What? It's not like they'll ever see me again, plus I was wearing a mask. And besides, Their rich, a few bits won't be missed." Power reasoned. I sighed.

"Let's go. we'll head back in the morning." Power started towards the hotel with me and Y/M/N following.

Tomorrow, we'll begin the trip home.

This is your new home (Rainbow factory reader insert)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin