Part 12 (Female)

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The next Day at breakfast Y/N trotted over to her friends table. Tornado saw her looking over to Where nettle had been sitting the day before.

"I know, I didn't think i could ever do that. I actually got Nettle!" Tornado said, she was still in shock from yesterday.

"That must have been one hell of a first day for Y/N." Shadow moon said from behind them.

"Can i sit with you guys?" She asked, Crimson Nodded.

"Sure, go ahead." The Unnatural Alicorn said. They chatted for a while until a glass being hit with a fork interrupted their conversation. The group looked to the source of the noise to see the familiar rainbow maned boss of the factory was the one making the noise. When the cafeteria had quietened down, She spoke.

"I would like to congratulate Tornado Strike and Crimson Bloodshot on their recent battle Against Poisoned nettle, He was a manipulative Pegasus that should never have passed his flight test. Had i have known what he did to Tornado, i would never have accepted him into the Factory. But now that he's gone, We should celebrate. There will be a party in the Dance studio tonight. You are all welcome. And once again, Congratulations to Tornado and Crimson for getting rid of Nettle." Ms. Dash announced, smiling. Tornado smiled, as did Crimson.

"I'm so proud of you Torn." Crimson told the grey pegasus.

"Thanks C. I'm proud of you too." She replied.

"Ah, Y/N, did you sleep well?" Wild came out of nowhere and surprised the C/C pegasus. She yelped.

"Sorry, i didn't mean to scare you. I'm here to let you know that tomorrow you'll be going into the Laboratories, So You and Y/M/N will be going around with Crimson Tomorrow. But today, Your still a guard." Wild explained.

"But i thought i was always going to be a guard?" Y/N questioned.

"Negative, Every new worker spends their first two days as a guard, Their next two days as a lab worker, And Their fifth and six days as an engineer, Then they get to see which sector they enjoy the most, And then they get to choose."

"But today, I'm not going to be around as much as I have to update my software. So i'll be leaving You in the Capable Hooves of Tornado Strike." Wild said. Y/N then realised that Tornado was Wearing a guard suit. She smiled at me.

"Update your software?" Y/N questioned.

"I'm a cyborg remember, I need update's every so often. Speaking of which, I should head down to the Engineer's office. See you later!" And with that, Wild walked off to get updated. Y/N had forgotten that Wild wasn't a pony. She acted so much like one.

"Don't worry, You'll be fine with me." Tornado put a hoof on Y/N's shoulder.

"I'm gonna head off." Shadow said, getting up from her seat, Followed by deadly.

"You'll be fine Y/N." Crimson said to me, Before she too walked off.

"I guess we need to go get your twin." Tornado said to me, And with That we walked over to Y/M/N and his group.

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