my forever

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At 15, i fell in love.
And i am still in love with you.
When the world is too much  to handle, whether its two in the night or day, Whether its stormy outside or when tears won't stop falling, i run to you and you pull me into your embrace. Your sweet aroma gives me comfort, makes me feel safe  every time i am around you.
If only you could see how you've saved me from so many disasters, how you've healed the girl who was once broken and left to shatter.  Somehow you undo all my pains, if only you could see how i've blossomed all because of you. 
Everything feels so right with you, you lift me up when i am blue, and we connect like magnets. When i am screaming, desperately calling out for help and everyone pretends to be deaf, you are there.  When people see error in my ways, you are there making me feel beautiful and worthy .There's a magic in you.
I drift in and out of people's lives but you have been my constant. This, i can say with no doubt,
They say "If you are in love, then that person makes you feel so many emotions." You make me sob, smile, laugh, shout, at times cry till i run out of tissue. You scare me, make me mad, piss me off. But with every passing second , with every flip of the pages, with each sentences, the love grows. You are my safe heaven , my home.
You come to me in different titles and with different stories, in beautiful covers and ink throughout your body. "Book" is what they call you , but my love

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