1 am

14 3 0

It's been awhile since i have felt sad, lost and confused. Its 1 am and the world is sleeping. And i am under my sheets feeling so unusual and strange .  I am a kind that can gracefully dodge pain, one who finds shield within myself . But now i m drowning in my tears and fears. Why do i want to cry? Why do i want to stop trying? Why do i want to leave it all? Why do i feel like this?
My head is twisted and i am trapped in the war of my own thoughts. My head's spinning upside down.  All i see is darkness, darkness i cannot defeat. I am dying inside.
I just want it to stop.
I am just so exhausted .
I  need a release.
I'm looking over things i'm aware of, my gaze fixed  in the wall of familiarity yet it feels so different, so unknown.
Whirling thoughts, scattered mind.
Too many questions to ask but the words won't form.
I know what i want.
I think i know what i want.
But i'm loosing ,
All the clarity's gone.
There's too much in there,
too much out there.
I'm scared of nothing.
Alone and awake in this cold hours of darkness, my mind hitting its peak, my mind racing against my own will.

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