A T T E N T I O N (5)

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One of the imposed rules is checking the attendance which started from Task 6. Whoever who wasn't able to join in our Task for 3 consecutive times will be removed from the club. Hence, the code will be withdrawn. Moreover, you can still join by registering again.

We are calling the attention of the following writers to join our Task 15:

RG002 ms_happens
RG007 FayellieRine
RG025 jinxiaa
RG031 12Herz08
RG034 obscurePotato
RG036 Alami_Maka
RG043 eljinananana
RG049 Fortisa
RG052 Ina_Rina_143
RG054 AroxiAvocado
RG056 Novalise
RG057 MadamSirene
RG058 HesaMendes
RG063 Quinn_violet18
RG066 moonlightandblues
RG068 frustratedwriter048
RG088 PeonyGrosnez
RG090 Yeojob
RG093 ate_Destiny1999
RG101 KMBLY_05
RG106 greatnoxtalgia
RG113 bubblyvirgo
RG117 Zephania_Zero

If you already signed  Form 15, you can ignore this message. If you haven't yet, please join. Also, please check our violators' list. In case that you were listed there you must finish your unfinished business first. Thank you.


Date posted: June 4, 2021

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