A T T E N T I O N (33)

144 15 6

Short announcement| Must read

Hello, Gemstone! In-behalf of our Admin. Congratulations to all Gemstone whose participated our previous Task 30-Awarding.

We're proud to all of you, with or without on Top 3, we still proud and thankful to all of you.

For additional: If you don't see your name in result, it means you're disqualified;

For distribution of Prizes. We will conduct it on our Official FB account. Search, Rising Gem Bookclub and patiently wait for announcement.

Aside from our Task 30-Awarding. We're officially closed the Further Task, don't worry  we're not going to close the Bookclub. Just wait for further announcement, but for the meantime, do your other task, works paper and studies. Goodluck and congratulations again, Gemstone!


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