A T T E N T I O N (30)

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One of the imposed rules is checking the attendance which started from Task 24. Whoever who wasn't able to join in our Task for 3 consecutive times will be removed from the club. Hence, the code will be withdrawn. Moreover, you can still join by registering again.

We are calling the attention of the following writers to join our Task 29:

RG002 BinibiningEnero
RG004 amvernheart
RG005 Unloveable_Night
RG009 Alreignna
RG012 -notanangel-
RG042 mary_calixta
RG048 JZRomeo

If you already signed Form 29, you can ignore this message. If you haven't yet, please join. Also, please check our violators' list. In case that you were listed there you must finish your unfinished business first. Thank you.

-Mod. R

Date posted: Oct 15, 2021

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