Flight of the Eggman Fleet and Rise of the Decepticons

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Hey guys, soon action will Come: I'm just taking it nice and slow for now. You know what I mean? Also: Megatron has an Airachnid of his Own, it is not the one from Sonic's harem.

Space (the Decepticon Warship Nemesis):

the Decepticons were busy Finishing up with Building a Space Bridge to bring the Rest of the Decepticons to Earth.

Soundwave then landed in the Hangar of the Nemesis and heads up to the Bridge coming face to face with the Decepticon War Leader: Megatron himself. "Soundwave, have you finished with your exploration?" He asked causing Soundwave to nod "good" Megatron said before Soundwave handed something to Megatron, the Green Chaos Emerald

and Megatron took the Chaos Emerald from Soundwave "I will take this to Shockwave for study, prepare to Attack the City: Station Square with Starscream, the Seekers, Airachnid, Blitzwing, Skyquake, Lugnut, Grindor, and Blackout, and the Other Flyers

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and Megatron took the Chaos Emerald from Soundwave "I will take this to Shockwave for study, prepare to Attack the City: Station Square with Starscream, the Seekers, Airachnid, Blitzwing, Skyquake, Lugnut, Grindor, and Blackout, and the Other Flyers." Megatron said to Soundwave causing Soundwave to nod and head to the Hangar

"Starscream, begin the Attack! it's time to reveal ourselves to This Planet" Megatron Ordered

"Yes Lord Megatron, Seekers: Flyers: to the Skies!" Starscream ordered causing all Flying Decepticons to take flight and head towards Station Square.

Shockwave was busy experimenting with Transformium and Building new weapons for the Decepticons with Knockout, Oilslick, Scalpel, Mixmaster, and Twoheads when Megatron entered the Lab. "Lord Megatron, what can I do for you?" Shockwave asked before Megatron handed Shockwave the Chaos Emerald "I want you to Find Out what this Gem is" Megatron replied "Yes lord Megatron, my Team and I will do just That" Shockwave said before he took the Chaos Emerald.

Earth (Eggman Island):

The Eggman Fleet was Completed

The Eggman Fleet was Completed

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And Eggman had also Finished rebuilding the Egg Carrier 2, however: the Ship was Permanently Stuck in it's Attack Mode

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And Eggman had also Finished rebuilding the Egg Carrier 2, however: the Ship was Permanently Stuck in it's Attack Mode. the Egg Carrier was now the Egg Fleet Flagship due to it's Service to the Doctor for many years

"Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, Snively, Sleet, Dingo, Decoe, Bocoe, Bokuun, Orbot, Cubot: Is the Fleet Ready?" Eggman asked "yes Doctor, but I think that our Ships should Guard the Death Egg: E-90 despite being Rebuilt and Upgraded: can only do so ...

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"Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, Snively, Sleet, Dingo, Decoe, Bocoe, Bokuun, Orbot, Cubot: Is the Fleet Ready?" Eggman asked "yes Doctor, but I think that our Ships should Guard the Death Egg: E-90 despite being Rebuilt and Upgraded: can only do so much on his Own." Sleet said "he's right your Evil Excellence, E-90 is only one Ship protecting the Death Egg. And the Crimson Egg is also Guarding the Death Egg, but like E-90: that's also only one Ship" Scratch said causing Eggman to Nod. "I agree, let's take our Fleet to the Death Egg." causing the Egg Fleet to Take Flight, and head into Space to Guard the Death Egg.

Earth (Autobot Base Omega-1):

Optimus Prime saw Sonic running to the City at a Breakneck Speed to Station Square but also saw the Decepticon Seekers and Decepticon Flyers also heading Towards Station Square "Autobots, Roll Out!" he ordered and Ratchet saw a Gem that was Glowing a Deep Blue

Optimus Prime saw Sonic running to the City at a Breakneck Speed to Station Square but also saw the Decepticon Seekers and Decepticon Flyers also heading Towards Station Square "Autobots, Roll Out!" he ordered and Ratchet saw a Gem that was Glowin...

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"I wonder what this is? I'll take it to Que" Ratchet said before taking the Blue Chaos Emerald to the Autobot lab and explaining to Que before rolling out

"Alright then, let's see what you are my dear Gem Stone" Que said before Researching and Investigating the Blue Chaos Emerald

That's it for this Chapter, and yup: the Autobots and Decepticons each found a Chaos Emerald. Stay tuned for Next Chapter

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