the Enlightenment from a Pheonix

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Hey guys, sorry for taking so long. I've been busy with work, and thinking of an Idea for Ark's Clankers

the Death Egg:

MoonPheonix woke up in a cage and looks around "what is this Place, where am I?" she asked out loud as she looked around. "you're on the Death Egg, a Marvelous Space Station of my Own Design." an Egg Shaped Scientist replied to MoonPheonix as he was studying her "who are you? I saw you before I Blacked Out." MoonPheonix asked curiously to which the Scientist said "I am Dr. Ivo Eggman Robotnik, the Greatest Scientific Genius in the World." And MoonPheonix while not normally impressed with Evil: she had to Give the Gentlemanly Evil Scientist credi, he did manage to take her down without Destroying her: he was also Honest and not torturing her. "So, that Blue Robot Hedgehog is What you Made?" MoonPheonix asked pointing at Metal Sonic. "Indeed he is, and one of my GREATEST Creations. My dear MoonPheonix, don't be Surprised that I know who you are: Metal Sonic has a Video Recording Software and Hardware built into him. And he's One of My Many Creations." Eggman said which Caused MoonPheonix to nod in Surprise. "but, I want to Learn more about you Cybertronians, the Luna Seekers, and Cybertron." Eggman said causing MoonPheonix to Smile since a Human wanted to Learn about Cybertronian History, and So: she Pulled out the Ferrotaxis

" Eggman said causing MoonPheonix to Smile since a Human wanted to Learn about Cybertronian History, and So: she Pulled out the Ferrotaxis

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"Well then, Listen and Watch good Doctor: and Allow Me to Show and Tell you the History of Cybertron." MoonPheonix said as she Activated the Ferrotaxis. "Before the Beginning, there were Two Great Titan Brothers: Primus the Bringer of Life and Creation and Unicron the Bringer of Death and Destruction. Primus and Unicron battled Endlessly, leading Primus to Create the 13 Original Primes who Preceded my Sparkmate Optimus Prime, Myself, My Older Sister DarkPheonix, My Sparkmate's Younger Brother Sentinel Prime, and My Sparkmate's Older Brother Ultra Magnus. And with the Help of the 13 Original Primes: was Primus able to Defeat Unicron, and Cast him Out. Primus then Later became Cybertron which was Completely Destroyed from Our War against the Decepticons, but While his Body was Destroyed: his Spark Endures. His spirit guided me to Earth/Mobius, and Reunited me With my Sparkmate Optimus Prime whom I met in the Iacon Hall of Records, My Sparkmate, My Brother, and I went by Different Names then. I went by the Name of Celistria. My Sparkmate, Optimus Prime went by the Name of: Orion Pax. and My Brother Megatron went by the name: Megatronus before he Shortened his Name to his Current One, he was a Gladiator in the Pits of Kaon and Became a Mentor to Orion and Optimus led Cybertron to Peace until Megatron became Corrupted by his Ambitions and Vowed to Claim the Matrix of Leadership wherever it may Hide. he then gathered Followers, Soundwave chiefly among them and they Dubbed themselves: Decepticons. The War took it's Toll on Cybertron and Orion and I: Went to the Core of Cybertron hoping to Reverse the Ill Effects came face to face with our Very Life Giver: Primus himself, the Ailing Primus sensed the Inate Nobility and Good in Orion Pax and Bestowed upon him: the Matrix of Leadership and Came to be Known as Optimus, and Primus bestowed upon me a gift as well: the Legendary Pheonix Flames and I became to be Known as MoonPheonix. the Luna Seekers are a Powerful Race of the Seekers, we're much Faster, more Powerful, and have Stronger Armor than any of the Normal Seekers like the Ones in the Decepticons and we're usually Half Predacon Triple Changers but that also makes us Rarer too. Eventually: the Autobots had to Escape from Cybertron aboard the Ark, and I was thought to have been Killed when Cybertron Exploded and I can't Imagine what my Sparkmate Optimus Prime went through thinking that I was Destroyed. Eventually: the Decepticons Caught up with my Sparkmate and the Autobots onboard their Personal Warship, The Nemesis and Destroyed the Ark, but thankfully: they Bailed Out of the Ark and now we Defend Earth with Sonic the Hedgehog and his Friends, and I was Recently Reunited with my Sparkmate." MoonPheonix said finishing the Chronicles of Cybertron. "Impressive, but how could Primus's Spirit lead you Here?" Eggman asked. "Primus has an Immortal Spark, and while his Soul now Rests in the Blue Hedgehog and my Sparkbond to my Sparkmate Optimus Prime: Primus used the Matrix of Leadership to Bring me to Earth. And ever since his Body was Destroyed and it Vanished from Our World, Primus's Power had Evolved and He has Become more Powerful than Anyone can Imagine." MoonPheonix Replied to Eggman who Nodded. "Interesting History Indeed, well: I think that it's Time for You and I to Part Ways." He said Releasing MoonPheonix from the Death Egg and seeing her Fly back down to Earth

Autobot Base Omega-1:

Optimus Prime was Worried about his Sparkmate MoonPheonix since she was Captured by Eggman, however: he was Elated to see her in her Vehicle Mode

Optimus Prime was Worried about his Sparkmate MoonPheonix since she was Captured by Eggman, however: he was Elated to see her in her Vehicle Mode

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Before she Tackled him Lovingly before she Transformed into her Robot Mode

Before she Tackled him Lovingly before she Transformed into her Robot Mode

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"I'm alright Orion, I'm safe and Unharmed." MoonPheonix said before lovingly Kissing and Nuzzling Optimus Prime. "I'm glad that you are Safe, Celistria" Optimus Prime said

Special thanks to Moonpheonix1208 for letting me use her OCs, DjMandalore141 for the Convergence Series that Inspired this Book, and AnastasiaJordan389 for letting me use this as a Favorite Series in our RPs that help us with our Books. See you Guys in the Next Chapter

Sonic X: Cybertron (Sonic x Female Cybertronian Harem) (Chris x Female Shadow)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang