foundation [🌾]

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[edited: june 20]


"So, that's all proposed! Agriculture, tourism, economy and peace," Singapore read out from his notes. "I'm guessing that this article for you to read and sign will be short, but I guess it would be presentable. After all, it's just the first time we're doing this."

Thailand walks in the room and holds 4 pieces of bond papers with typewriter writings-the proposal. All they need is to sign the pages, and that is all for today, at least they thought so.

She placed the small stack onto the table gently. "Who will go and sign first?"

"I'm up for it," the Philippines said, preparing a pen on hand. He then dragged the group of papers slowly into his side, and gently reads all of the 'points'.

"Go ahead, I'll go next," Malaysia volunteered, as he reached out to his pockets and grabbing a pen.

"What about you, Indonesia?" Singapore asked.

"I'll go after one of you, you can decide the queue if you want," Indonesia shrugged. Both Singapore and Thailand nodded to his response.

"Alright I'm done po," The Philippines stated, and arranged the papers back to it's original order. "Your turn, Malaysia?" Malaysia nodded, and grabbed the papers from the Filipino's hand.

"How about this, Singapore will go last, I'll go next to Malaysia and Indonesia could go next to me," Thailand suggested.

"Sure, like orders mattered anyway," Indonesia shrugged and commented.

"I'm down with that," Singapore sighed, as he closes his brand new notebook he bought just for this meeting.

Several minutes later, everyone's almost finished. Singapore was left unsigned. As Indonesia passed the papers to him, he gave off a wink. "Are you ready to make Southeast Asia a better place?" Malaysia asked from behind.

Singapore sharply looked at the part where he needed to sign. He sighed and released force on his face as he slowly but surely, signed successfully.

The 5 countries then looked at the last page of the documentation. Full of signatures, just what they wanted. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations-or ASEAN for short-has officially been created.

Philippines and Thailand both clapped in glee, Malaysia's expression became a little happier than he was, Indonesia gave off a positive mood (but attempted to hid it with his hand on his face) and Singapore just gave off a happy grin. All of the 5 countries were happy from the news that they themselves made some peace for once, and hopefully forever. Second time's a charm.

"That's it," Thailand sighed. "If you can suggest anything then approach Phil, he's our chairman for now."

Everyone in the room nodded. That was it, they thought.

They thought.

As everyone (but Thailand) was preparing to go back at their respective territories, a huge wave of air was felt through their skin in unison. It was strong and relaxing, it wasn't strong enough to blow them away like sticks. Thailand walked outside to see a person by her lawn, turning at their back. Thailand then approached the 4 other countries and called Singapore.

"Uhh, Singapore? Do you know who's that?"

Singapore wipes his glasses and puts them on once more and investigated it's features individually, and it turned to him. He had white skin with a yellow circle for a face with 5 brown lines shaped like a haystack in the middle. The figure had big golden wings at his back, and a golden saturn-like ring that floats around it's head. His eyes were just yellow as the sun.

The MaPhilIndo trio looked at the direction where the pair was looking and saw the same figure. Indonesia was the first one to speak.

"H- Hi?" He waved, and stuttered. Wasn't this the first time he met someone with such things before?.

"Whoa- Who are you?" Philippines curiously asked the figure.

"I'm ASEAN," the figure responded.


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