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People ask and crave to find love, they keep dreaming about it, longing for it, yearning for it none stop. So much it has become their obsession, an obsession they seemed to have vowed to achieve, to the point of getting in a relationship with the first person they meet on their way.

Their brain is focused on the goal of finding the "dream love", yet you don't feel that kind of love with your brain, but with your heart.

How come just the simple aching and shooting for the goal get to make you fall for any person you meet?

Mind doesn't feel, it thinks and processes, if abusing in those two, it gets to depression, anxiety, stress and sorrow.

Heart feels and aches for whatever emotion you have, it may get overwhelming to your mind and every part of your body.

If your mind is so longing for that kind of love, it begins to make your heart feel it, make it feel how good it would feel if it happened, receive that kind of feeling when you meet the one for you but you don't receive it from the person you met but from your mind who created what you are supposed to feel when that time comes, and so, with whoever you'll talk, you'll fall in love with them even though you are not truly in love, you are mindly in love but not heartly.

This kind of confusion is very complicated and hard to fix, for as you keep going with the person, you'll realize that actually this is not the right person for you, and that leads to all kind of break down and heart-broken things and what so ever.

It is not easy to part your mind's and heart's jobs, since you often use them both to make your decisions, that's the difference between a human and a robot, a robot make actions according to logic, but human can adjust that according to the situation, and making the decision better than if it was done with all mind, and that's when feelings are so important to not misjudge people. A criminal who stole food and whatever would be sentenced for jail by a robot, accusing the person for lack of personality and dishonorable, but when a human realizes that the man stole because he was hungry, because he had a poor family to feed and children to take care of, how will your decision be now?

But feelings aren't thought, they are felt.

Love is beautiful, it can make a dead man relive, but also, it can make a beautiful person and cheerful one; broken and messed up leaving a scar, taking his pride away and shattering his honor, so.. when you choose your mate, choose wisely. For if you let that person in your heart, show your real self, all your weaknesses and strength point, if the person was just someone who'd take advantage of you, he'll have all the aces turned on you and then you'll be down and broken.

When you love someone; especially for those who really get the meaning of love as not letting go of the person in all times, ups or downs, it gets to a really confusing match here, for the person won't let go of the other even though they feel like it is not the right one, thinking that they are being selfish and not treating the love for them right, as if not being a good lover and blame starts clouding everything, as if letting go of them in their hard times would be treason, which sounds greedy and cowardice.

But, you know.. the real wise people, are not those endowed with smart brains, but are those who know, not just to hold on to something till the end, but also to let go when it's necessary.


This is just a beginning, like en entry for my story, I hope you liked it.

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