Chapter 3: me

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POV Kiara

You know when you say that tomorrow you're gonna make a whole list of things, on top, having a good night of sleep to get back your energy, scheduling everything so that your day is full and; in my case, so that'd I have no chance of getting a free time to rot in my damned thoughts, but then you find yourself completely messing it up.

Well, I can't sleep. So bye bye the energy. Not the first night that I can't sleep in. I can't remember the last time I had a decent night of sleep.

I heard con mumble something in my head, it was too low to hear, but was it something like 'Poor girl'?

It's 1:30 am in the morning,  and the sun hasn't risen yet, it is still dark outside, the streets are deserted, only the lights of the standards lamps lit some of the houses a bit.

This specific house, that one on the side of the second street up there, yeah the third one from the right, a medium sized one, of a simple style, with a small pleasant garden which had a lawn that seemed to be taken care of pretty well.

The windows of the first roof were covered with marine blue curtains, so nothing could be seen through them, the light of the lamps couldn't even pass through.

What's behind those covers is my room.

In bed, laying on my side, my head resting on the pillow, the sheets reaching to my hips, my arms near my head, eyes closed delicately but having a light frown on my forehead, some sweat was prickling it, and lips were curved in displeasure. 

Features hard, jaw kind of tense and my eyes began to close in a tight way increasing the frowning on my forehead.

Unconsciously, in my slumber, my hand gripped the side of the pillow, as I frowned more and let out small distress whines, I moved my head a bit trying to shake off what was disturbing me, and my breathing now was going faster.

A young girlish voice kept echoing in my mind, bit by bit, the worry in it growing as it sounded scared and lost but the words couldn't be distinguished, as they were incomprehensible. But somehow, I knew what they were, but all the same, I wasn't quite ready for the next

There was one shot in my mind that echoed widely, it followed by a pause, a dead silence, then another shot was heard, after this one their were steps of running and panting, and then a third gun shot scattered maddeningly.

The sound of running steps increased as they hit the ground quickly and firmly, almost carelessly as if the girl running was lifting her legs at a high speed then letting them fall and crash on the ground.

At every sound of a shot, my shoulders shook violently, my breath hitched and eyes squeezed painfully

Then, at a moment, the steps quietened, everything was drown in silence, which was equally hurtful and maddening as everything.

Then, in the darkness, the girlish voice appeared again, emerging almost like a whisper, in a weak scared tone even feverish, but still no word could be deciphered.    

However, the emotion in it, held shock and breakdown as if the girl shattering in tears, its volume going higher, lashing panic till it reached a sickening tone that sent shivers down my spine.

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