Chapter 6: Bandage

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POV  Kiara

I'm in class, and damn I feel so bored, as usual.

My hand is hurting so much as if my bones have been taking out of place, the funny thing is that it's my left hand, my writing hand, so, let's pray we don't have any tests for the next few days.

I wasn't paying attention to what the teacher was talking about, not in the mood, I'll redo the lesson at home, no biggy.

I kept playing with the ends of the handkerchief that was used as a bandage around my hand.

I huffed a bit at all that happened today, the nightmare in my sleep, the confusing thing that Con has told me, that shit head earlier, the fight, how Nick hit the crap out of him, and the other guy that I didn't know his name which I noticed he was staring at me the whole time when I was there.

The fact that he knew that I knew that he was staring at me didn't make him stop, he just kept looking at me not intimidated.

What did he see in me to just keep looking at me like that?

Was he a pervert too?

Oh! He better not be, cause I had my full of them for at least a month now.


I'm thankful that he helped and also thankful that he doesn't know how hard it was for me to take off my eyes from his face.

His handsome face.

Damn, am I really admitting that?

Yeah, I do, he is handsome, I give him that, but that doesn't give him the right to undress me with his eyes or whatever all those things, I don't accept that.


His eyes weren't looking at me with lust, but more like gently, kindly, not holding any mischievousness


Oww! Stop. I don't know, what the heck, anyway.

I think that Dania witnessed that moment of eye contact.

Damn, she's gonna teas me so much.

What am I talking about?

She won't let me live the rest of life without bringing it up!

But.. to be honest..

I won't mind.

I felt a stupid small smile taking its place on my lips.

I shook my head, brushing the loon smile off, wanting to slap myself.

What the heck is wrong with me?

I hissed at I moved my hand a bit.

Gee, the pain is still so sharp.

I don't even know how I pulled out the courage to hit that piece of shit's face. My anger just clouded my actions so much I think that I blacked out and just woke up when my fist has long ago connect with his jaw.

I got so ballistic that someone was violating my only friend and even a part of my family, that nothing really mattered anymore.

Not even the fact that I'd have got a hell of time from that pervert if those two boys didn't act up.

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