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I had taken a break from writing this story for a little while. I read it over and over again to see it if made sense and I think it does. But I came to think that like I might be going too fast with it. It is already around the half of summer and there is still so much that I have to tell. But I’ll see if I can make it work somehow.

Alright. So when I resumed school on Monday thoughts of that one girl still circled my mind. It was weird how someone would just come out of the blue and talk to someone like me. The really weird part was that I played along with the whole thing. “Hey complete stranger let’s talk like we’re old friends that haven’t seen each other in a long time.” It might seem kind of comical but that’s really how that whole situation felt. It didn’t even feel like I was taking to a stranger.

School was still the same. It didn’t feel like I did anything. I mean anything that was like educational or productive. Both of my summer school teachers were old and their minds could easily be thrown of track by bringing up family stuff. Or just asking something about politics or some tragic disaster. The whole class period went like that. Doing nothing.

I was still sad. Not sad but like just feeling uneasy and like something was missing.

Every time I thought about it I wondered what it was. Like was it really because of “she” or maybe it was all really just me and my own emotions battling it out. Something like that. It’s hard to explain. That empty feeling. It was overwhelming. Damn.

Two month ago I was still in school with “she”. We were still together. I wish that I could’ve of like done more with the time that I had with her. Worst regret.

Okay, okay. Get your head together Alex!         

Back two months ago we were as happy as could be. Always walked together, always talked together. And this was still just the second week of our relationship.

I distinctly remember buying her something for our two week anniversary. A card and chocolate all put together in a white envelope. I wrote something on the card. I forgot what I put on it though. Whatever it was I bet it was something simple and cheesy. I gave it to her and she was happy and I was happy that she was happy. I felt good and warm and got that little fuzzy feeling that I got when I first kissed her.

The next two weeks I had with her were all relatively similar. I went to school. I went to my locker. She then came over to hug me. And I hugged her back. I was still shy so I would never make the first move and kiss her. She would then say “Kiss Me.” I loved that she asked. I didn’t want it to seem that I was just some pig in it for the “booty”.

I’m really old fashioned. Like I knew I had to respect her. But I did know when it was time to be the man and take action. Girls love guys that know what they’re doing. But still. I was raised by a woman so I was sort of taught to always be a gentleman.

Today was the day. A day that I will never forget. I think it was Wednesday or Thursday. And it started off just like any other day. I went to my locker. “She” and I kissed as usual. We hugged each other and then both went off to our different classes. And then we saw each other again in 4th hour. It was art class. I was sitting by myself on a stool, “She” was across from me talking to one of her friends. I didn’t like that “friend” in particular. It felt as if she was a bad influence to my girlfriend. “She” was still just a little girl and I was her first boyfriend. I knew that she always asked herself if she was doing it right. She would never tell that to me of course.

It looked as if “she” was asking that other girl for relationship advice. That’s what I came to think it was. And I could see why and I wished that she would have come to anybody else but that girl. Like I didn’t like that girl just for no reason but because I knew who she was.

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