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My mind was flooded with thoughts of her. Thoughts of “What if”. July was coming to a closing right now. There were less than 2 weeks of summer school left.

For some reason it never felt like summer school was advancing. It just felt like I was trapped in the same day doing the same stuff. Of course with a few small differences. But besides that the days just came and went like they never arrived at all.

Well, today was a Saturday though. I went on my phone and went on Facebook.

This was when I was barely beginning to use the internet and stuff. I mean like we had a computer at home. And I knew that there was this thing called the internet but I just never seemed to be a big fan of it. Well at least not until that point.

I had made a Facebook account earlier that year just because all my other friends had one. At first I didn’t really use it for much. And when you’re my age your Facebook feed is probably full of pubescent girls posting nonsense every five minutes.

It was weird because I thought that was what Facebook was. I never really posted anything. I still really don’t. Like most people I used Facebook for messaging.

I started messaging my good old friend Suzie from the previous year. I didn’t have much male friends. I told her that I was going to come back to her school in the fall. She got all excited. Well her messages showed “excitement”. The best way you can show excitement through emoticons.

“OMG!!!! :D”

That’s really what she said. I was still a novice at the whole texting thing. I still wrote happy faces like “:-)”.  Yeah I know. Laugh it up.

There was this other girl who I messaged to a lot during that time. Like I never once ever thought that she would end being one the closest and bestests friends that I would ever have.

Well I still didn’t know that yet.

For the time being she was just my really good texting buddy.

Her name was Lori. Like for some weird reason we just instantly become like super-duper friends since the first time when we started texting each other.

I think it was somewhere during February when my other friend, Suzie told me to talk to her. Well she never told me too exactly. I just figured that she was Suzie’s friend and well why couldn’t I be her friend too.

I remember looking her up on Facebook. I looked at her pro-pic and saw that she was actually really pretty. She had this cool emo thing going on. It was weird because I wasn’t really fond of that style. But Lori could really pull it off.

I added her and she added me. I didn’t say anything to her at first because like I didn’t want to like seem like total creeper. I waited a few days.

“Hey there :-)”

“Hello :3” she replied so cool. I never seen that emoticon used anywhere else before. And somehow the friendship just took off like that.

Like 3 weeks later I got her phone number and we started texting and stuff.

Oh! And also the phone calls.

One day I texted her that I had like a really deep voice and like she said ‘really omg!’ So I asked for her phone number and called her to show her.

I was still an immature little kid so I didn’t know what people did when they called each other. I don’t think she did either. Like I really had nothing to say. She was one the first people that I ever talked on the phone with.

Like I remember always saying “So, how’s life.”

But I guess that’s just how we talked. Sometimes we would talk for over an hour straight. An hour straight of talking about freaking nonsense.

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