Prom Part 1: Dress Shopping and Showing off the Dress

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El's and Max's Prom Dresses

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El's and Max's Prom Dresses.

El opened the dressing room door. "Well, lets see it!" said Max. El and Max where trying on prom dresses together. They were accoupanied by Joyce and Max's mom Susan. 

"That one is so pretty!" said Joyce. 

"Yeah, I really like it!" said El excitedly. El was dressed in a long, lavender dress. It swept the floor behind her in a lavender wave. Down the dress were leafy vine like cutouts. "This is the one!" said El. 

"You look gorgeous," said Max. 

"Thanks," El replied. Max had already picked out her dress. It was red and strapless. El thought it really highlighted Max's personality. Fiece and bold. The four brought the dresses to the front and payed for them. El thanked Joyce profucely until Joyce told her to stop. Joyce and Hop had been married for 3 years now. El liked having Joyce as her mom, and she also liked having Will and Jonathan as siblings. She couldn't wait to show the dress to them, and to Hop. She also couldn't wait for Mike to see her. Prom was in a week and she coudn't be more excited. The party had made a pact that they couldn't see their dates in their dresses until prom. Mike and Lucas weren't happy, but the rest of the party certainly was. Mike would love it, and tell her that he thought she looked beautiful. El was so excited for her senior prom, but she was even more excited for the future. 


El and Joyce walked in the door to see Jonathan and Will watching Full House on the couch. "Please say you are taping it (on a VHS Tape)." Said El as she walked in. 

"Of course!" said Jonathan. He was on a break from college. He had also told El that he wouldn't miss her or Will's senior prom. 

"Can we see the dress?" asked Will excitedly. 

"I suppose." said El nonscalantly. 

"OMG that dress is so pretty and will look so great on you!! said Will. 

"I agree with Will." said Jonathan. 

"You should see Max's dress then," said El.


"I'm home!" yelled Hopper. El ran out of her room and hugged her dad. "You get the dress?" asked Hop.

"Yeah! You should see it!!" El dragged Hop into her room and showed him the dress. 

"That will look so good on you El!" said Hop. 

"Thanks!" El replied. 

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