I'm trying to read!

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Hey! So this one is more of a everyone onshot, but it is based off of true events. When my mom or myself read we can be hard to get the attention of. So sometimes my dad and brother will see who can get our attention. They try all sorts of tactics. Hope you enjoy!   

El was sprawled over a chair in the Hopper's living room. Her head rested on the arm while her legs hung over the other arm (I sit like this sometimes). Resting in her hands was a book titled King's Cage. El loved reading. It made her feel like she wasn't the only one who had odd, sci-fi like powers. She also just loved the smell, and the way the book felt between her fingers. El fingered the page, then turned it. Just as El was starting to get to a super excitng part, there was a huge crash from the kitchen. El jumped up, dropping her book. She ran over to the kitchen and found Joyce and Hop hysterically laughing. 

"What is so funny?" asked El. "I was just getting into my book!"

"Just?" laughed Hop. "We have been making loud noises for the past hald hour seeing how long it would take to get you out of your fairytale world."

"You mean Norta?" asked El.

"Yeah." giggled Joyce. "We were on teams. Your dad and I, Will and Jonthan, and some other people."

"What other people?" asked El. "What were the other teams?"

"Steve and Robin, Dustin and Erica, Lucas and Max, Nance and Mike."

"Their ALL here?" 

"Yep, the first test was the doorbell. Then the door. We put on music, used an alarm clock, sang super loudly, yelled, laughed, watched a scene from a scary movie, and some other stuff." said Joyce. "It was after we dropped pots and pans that you finaaly payed us attention."

"Why did you need my attention?"

"Well, you guys are going to that Madonna concert, remember?" 

"Yeah, but that doesn't start for a few hours." 

"You guys are getting something to eat first. Now go get ready! We will inform the other teams that we won and collect out bounty."

"Excuse me?" asked El, wirling. 

"We put our money together. Whatever team could get you - uh - up would win the money."

"So you made it a game?"


"Well when Mike, Jonthan, and Will are playing video games we should do this. I will totally win." said El with a sneer. Then she strowd off to her room to get ready for the concert.       

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