Prom Part 3: The Prom

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The Party pulled into the parking lot of Hawkins High School. Nancy and Jonathan went in to get the rest of the prom set up while the party talked to each other in the parking lot. "Who is ready to par-tay!" asked Lucas. 

"One, me. Two, never, ever, say that again," said Max. 

"I am so ready!" said Mike. Not long after he party headed into the prom. The gymnasiam was decorated like and enchanted forest. It was magical, beautifl, and more than anyone expected.

"This is amazing!" El said. It was like a newly realized dream. "I wish I could live in an enchanted forest!" said El. 

"I'll work on it," laughed Mike.

"I am just kidding!" said El. Then she turned to Max. "Not even kidding a little bit," El wispered.

"I figured," Max whispered back. There were already a few people in the gym.

"How do you guys like it?" asked Nancy. She had approached from behind, startaling the party. 

"I love it!!" squealed El.

"Wow, that was really hard to infer," joked Dustin. El pushed him back with her powers a little. El had found that if she used her powers just a little bit her nose wouldn't bleed. That was why almost nothing she had was stained from her bloody noses. The party went and got their picks taken and then started dancing. More and more people arrived and soon enough the gymnasiam was full of lots of couples dancing the night away. Will and Dustin had found dates and were now dancing a few feet away. 

"So, how about this enchanted forest?" asked Mike.

"It's like a fairy tale!" said El. "The only thing missing are the princesses and mystical creatures."

"I don't know about mystical creatures, but I know that the princess is right here, dancing with me." said Mike. El felt heat creep into her cheeks.

"I'm no princess." said El.

"Well, you're my princess." said Mike. El leaned her head against his shoulder. She knew that she was lucky to have Mike. No one loved her more than him. She thought about her tramatic past and wondered if her life would have been better without it. She decided that no reality would ever be better than this one. Without her past she wouldn't have met Mike, and without Mike her life wouldn't be anywhere near as great as it was now.  


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