The Proposal Part 1: Getting the Ring and Distracting El

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☝🏻is the 💍 - Ro *quietly squeeling*

Also, I am SO sorry about how long it's been since I updated. I haven't had much time recently, and I really am so sorry!! Thanks for waiting!! Again, I am so sorry!!

Mike stood before a white and brown house with a blue roof. Below him, parked on the street was his car. he slowly walked up the wood steps and knocked on the door. 

"Max, door!!" yelled a voice from inside the house. Probobly Susan, Max's mom. 

"I'm getting it!" yelled back Max. Mike was very familiar with that yell. The door opened and there stood Max. Half of her hair was in a braid. The other half lay down around her shoulders. "What do you want Wheeler?" asked the red haired girl. 

"I need your help with something." Mike mumbled. 

"My help? What for?" As soon as Mike whispered his plan Max's jaw dropped. 

"Dustin, Lucas, and Will are going to help too." said Mike. His cheeks were flushed. 

"We have no time to waste!" said Max. She hopped in the car and away they sped. On the way to their destination, Dustin asked an immense amount of questions. 

"I am really excited, but how is this going to work? I mean with college, and all that stuff." Dustin paused. "But, it is you and El and you probobly already have a plan."

"When does he NOT have a plan?" asked Lucas. "Well, when it comes to El he does. Anything else and he flies plan free." A moment later the group pulled into a parking lot.

"How did you convice El to not come with you?" asked Max suspiciously. 

"She is busy." said Mike.

"Like busy busy or being KEPT busy." asked Max.

"Kept busy," Will answered.

"How does Will already know what is all happening?" asked Max.

"Please. I live with El. How would I NOT know?"

"Good point." said Max. "So?'"

"Hopper, Joyce, Nancy, Jonthan and Holly are keeping her busy." said Mike as he turned the key and shut the car off. 

"What kind of busy?" asked Max. 

"I don't actually know." said Mike. "I just told them to keep her occupied and make sure that she didn't try to talk to any of you guys. Will, do you know?"

"No." said Will. I asked my mom but she just told me that they were just going to figure it out as they went.  She said maybe they would play games or something."


Back at the Hopper's house. 

"Hey El, Holly, Nance, mom, dad, and I are going to play a board game. You should play with us!" said Jonthan. He had just walked into El's room where she was trying to call Max.

"Sure! No one is picking up the phone so I guess I'll play. What board game?" 

"We don't know yet. We figured that you could help us decide." 

"Ok?" said El. She found it weird that no one as picking up. She decided to let it go. She walked out and saw everyone huddled in front od every board game the Hopper's owned. 

"Hey El!! help us decide on a game!!" said Joyce cheerally.

"Thats a lot of games. Shouldn't we just choose from 5?" asked El. 

"Thats what I said, but she insisted on brining out EVERY game." said Hop. 

"I thought it was a great idea!" said Holly. 

"See! Holly gets it." said Joyce. Thirty minutes later they decided to play Monopoly. 

"That should keep us busy." Joyce whispered to Hop while El was getting some water. 

"Yeah. It could be a while." Hop whipered back. 


Mike walked into the jewlery store, his friends in tow. They all immediatly fanned out and looked at the different cases. 

"This kind of remineds me of when we went to the mall to try to find El a gift. Only this time you have more than 3 dollars." laughed Lucas. 

"Exactly!" said Mike. After about 30 minutes Mike found the perfect ring (above). 

"It's gorgous!" said Max. 

"Thats it!" said Mike.

"Thats definitly it!" said Dustin. Mike went up and payed for the ring, and the group walked out of the store. All he needed now, was a plan.    

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