The Proposal Part 3: The Proposal

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Hey guys! Wanted to dedicate this chapter to my friend @Izzy-HP. She is having a hard time. She inspires me to write this. Ly. Give her a follow for me! Thanks! 

OMG. OMG. OMG. I am doing this. I am writing the proposal. OMG. It's happening people. It's happening. Mike is proposing to El. Get yourselves ready. They are getting engaged. OMG!! I'm crying just thinking about it. OMG. OMG. OMG.

This will jump from Mike to El and back. Be prepared. It's happening. 

Also, the image is so me. If you don't ship Mileven, then we can't be friends. You also wouldn't be reading this soooooo... 

"Morning miss eggos." said Will as El walked into the kitchen. Will had taken to calling her miss eggos when they were about 15. The whole group had a joke that El would marry eggos. Little did she know that she would be marrying someone even more important than waffles. 

"Will, you look overly excited. What's up?" 

"Oh nothing." Will suppressed a giggle. 

"O..k?" El asked with a tone of disbelief. What is up with him?  El thought. El heard footsteps behind her. Before she could turn, a set of long arms engulfed her from behind. 

"Morning my El Belle." said Hop, hugging El from behind. 

"Morning dad!" El said. "When do you have to leave to go to work?" 

"Not for about two hours." Hop sighed. "I wish I didn't have to go. Then I could spend all day with you, mom, and your brothers."

"For that to happen, mom wouldn't go to work either. Did she consent to that?" asked Will. 

"To answer your question, no. Plus I don't think that either of our jobs would EVER let that happen." said Joyce. She had snuck up on everyone. She was rather good at that. 

"Is Jonathan still asleep?" asked El.

"Yeah." said Joyce. 

"Oh, mom what time do you have to go to work?" asked El.

"Same time as dad." said Joyce. "Why?"

"Just wondering."


"Mike you look fine." chided Nancy. 

"You sure?" asked Mike.

"We are absolutly positive." said Karen.

"Holly never gave an opinion." said Mike.

"I agree with mom and Nance. Was that not clear?" said Holly. 

"I just can't wait!!" said Nancy. "I am just so excited for this." 

"Wow. I had NO idea." said Holly sarcastically. Nancy shot her a glare. 

"You ready Mike?" asked Karen.

"Ready." Mike said. He did his best to keep his voice from shaking.


"What is up Will?" asked El, frustrated. "I'm just going on a date with Mike. It's not like anything out of the ordinary." 

"I know, but I want to help!" said Will.

"Well if you're helping then does Jonathan REALLY need to help?"

"I don't want to be left out." said Jonathan.

"Fair enough." said El. "Though several times you guys have forgotten to record Full House on the tape and I had to find a rerun." 

"We already said we were sorry about that." said Will. "And I helped you look!"

"I'm kidding. Calm down." laughed El. "Mike refuses to tell me what we are going so I have no idea how to dress."

"Did he tell you a dress code?" asked Jonathan. he shot a look at Will they already knew exactly where Mike was taking El. 

"He said to wear something 'fun'. Whatever that means." 

"So wear what you think is fun." A half hour later El was ready for Mike to pick her up. She had on overalls, a sweater underneath, and converse. El's definition of fun. The door bell rang and El opened the door. There was Mike. He looked relaxed and ready. In his head we was freaking out. 

"Ready to go?" asked Mike.

"Yep!" The two walked down the front steps.


" Just tell me where we are going!" said El.

"You will find out when we get there." said Mike. "Be patient!" The two sat there, listening to the rumble of the engine. A minute later the car parked in front of the woods. 

"What are we doing here?" asked El. 

"Just follow me!" said Mike. He grabbed El's hand and lead her into the woods. "This is the exact spot where we first met." said Mike, stopping in a clearing of trees. "It was raining, and we found you here. That was the best moment of my life." said Mike. He slowly began lowering himself to one knee.

"Mike. What are you doing?" asked El.

"Eleven Hopper, the moment I met you was the best moment of my entire life. Also one of the weirdest. We have been through so much together, and through all that we stayed strong and there for one another. Would you make me the happiest man in the whole universe and marry me?" 

"Yes!! A million times yes!!" said El. She smashed her lips into his. Mike felt El's tears on his cheeks. He couldn't beleive it. He was marrying El. The love of this life. They would always be there for one another. They would be bound together. He had never been so happy in his entire life. 

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