chapter 2 that annoying dog

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(??? POV)

I look at the view as the sun rises the world is really quite beautiful to bad that we'll have to destroy it soon

i turn to look at the others and through sign language i ask them if there ready to go they all nod their head as in saying yes then we get ready to go

until a small white dog appears and barks and acts annoying
Eventually i do what I can say is the sensible thing and sends it flying

Once that's taken care of i go to check if there's any more monsters we have to kill before we leave

There are a few Temmies but we don't kill any of them

*breaks 4th wall by looking at the readers* i know that you won't allow us to do that

As we start to leave the mountain all i can think is this

Look out world

The four deaths are back

*chuckles evily in their mind*

(Sans pov)

Another normal day i wake up and go downstairs to see papyrus making breakfast and our father w.d gaster at the couch reading the news paper

I walk into the kitchen and papyrus says that he made some new friends recently and that there coming over today

I respond with saying oh good it always egg-citing to meet new people


Is how papyrus responds to my pun
While our father upon hearing the pun burst out laughing

both me and papyrus looks at him and knowing that papyrus is about to chase me

I ask him if I can have a 5 second head start to which he agrees

5 seconds later

he's chasing me around the tree in our backyard eventually i teleport back into the house to talk with my father

We decide to go out in the front lawn and when we do the one and only annoying dog falls from the sky and lands on my head

Me and my father both look at each other with a smug look on our face already planning a prank

A few seconds later papyrus comes back in the house when his friends arrived he then goes to the kitchen opens the fridge to get a snack

And sees The annoying dog chewing on a bone

it then runs out of the house with the bone as i poke my head out of my room and play incidental music on my trumpet

earning a laugh from everyone except papyrus who gets pretty mad

At the end of the day we just relax on the couch and watch a Japanese zombie movie called train to busan

it's pretty good after the movie finishes we all go to sleep it was a great day

Little did I know that the peace wouldn't last long

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