chapter 6 more friends

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(Sans pov)

Well all that i can say about the other four living with us is that life got a little more interesting

Now don't get me wrong there really nice they help us out with stuff like cooking and cleaning the house

And surprise surprise herobrine gets REALLY over protective

Like seriously we went to asgore and toriels so they could meet the other four

Undyne and papyrus decided to do some training

and then at one point herobrine teleported in front of papyrus and got ready to defend him

Long story short that's how undyne ended up with a broken nose and a few missing teeth

and when I say a few i mean that she almost lost all her teeth

I guess we forgot to mention to the others that papyrus trains with undyne

Another time when herobrine got over protective was when i was trying to learn how to cook and i accidentally cut my hand with a butter knife

now listen it was a small scratch but herobrine FREAKED

And that's how i ended up being a mummy

Papyrus got really scared when he saw me and when i tried to explain to him what happened he told me to say something only he and i know

So this is what i said

Aren't You the one who would literally eat their own dirty underwear if we ran out of food

Papyrus was convinced that it was me

As for dad's reaction he yelled WHAT
Clearly mad at paps

And that's how he got grounded for three weeks

(Herobrine's pov)

I know that this isn't right but they remind me so much of them maybe I can spare this world


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