chapter 8 in the air

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(Sans pov)

After the alphas body fell to the ground the rest of the wolf pack

Look at herobrine

Then at the alphas dead body

And back at herobrine

Then look at each other

And ran away with their tails between their legs in a very cartoon like way

we actually all started laughing but we quickly learned that wolves aren't the only thing to keep an eye out for

As suddenly a goose flew down and snatched flowey and flew off sending us on a literal wild goose chase

I feel a little sorry for asgore because he did not wear proper pants for running

You see the pants he was wearing were a little too big and would fall off if he was running but they were the only clean pair of pants he could find

So there he was holding his pants up while running so they don't fall down

Because of that i was literally laughing the whole time we were chasing the goose

Eventually the goose landed in the middle of a flock of geese and asgore decided to go and get flowey

Only to come back with the back of his pants revealing his poki dotted underwear and covered from head to toe in feathers

The funny part is that he didn't even know about his pants

Eventually herobrine whistled for something and a dragon flew down behind us and roared

scaring all the geese and making the one that had flowey drop him as all the geese flew away

After that there was a moment of silence as herobrine null entity and dread looked at us while all we did was blink twice

Eventually chara went to get flowey only for the dragon to gently pick up flowey and gave him to chara

And then herobrine got on the dragons back and did a gesture for us to do the same

I decided to go first and before i knew it i was on the dragons back eventually everyone was on the dragons back and

We took off flying

It was awesome we were actually on the back of a dragon while it was in the air

We then got mettaton muffet grillby and nastablook

they were pretty surprised and I don't blame them one second they're going about their daily lives and the next they're flying on the back of a dragon not given a second to process what's happening

Alfys was freaking out saying that she didn't expect dragons to be real and how she saw them in anime but that she never imagined this

Undyne was just having the time of her life just screaming about how cool this was

Frisk finally opened their eyes and had a surprised expression

Flowey just kept telling himself to look down which now that I think about it is pretty smart because usually when someone really high up and they're told to not look down they still look down
so with flowey telling himself to look down he won't look down

Muffet and grillby were just holding on to the dragon for dear life

Eventually i looked at papyrus and it looked he was progressing so i told him

Hey bro there's no need to dragon it

At the he stood up ran around in circles three times and then jumped off the right side of the dragon

Causing everyone to look over the right side at once even the dragon

Until grillby said whelp he's dust

Then the dragon grabbed papyrus from the back of his battle body and put him back on its back a pouty face on papyrus

The dragon then proceeded to do tricks while flying at one point flying in circles while also rolling upside down

The tricks went on for the rest of the day and into the night it was pretty fun

When we finally landed and got off the dragon alfys asked herobrine what the dragons name was and herobrine said in sign language that

Her name is jean

After that we all went home and when i got to my room i was so tired that i just got into bed and fell asleep before my skull could touch the pillow i didn't even bother to cover myself up with the blanket before i was asleep

(Herobrine's pov)

After giving Jean the alphas dead body to eat me null entity and dread went back to the Skeleton family house and as soon as we got there i noticed that sans bedroom door was open which was unusual

So i told the others to go ahead without me and that i would catch up with them they nodded and went on ahead while i went up to sans room to check on him

And i saw him on his bed sleeping soundly and i noticed that his blanket wasn't on him so i walked over thinking that this would be easy and i

Tucked him in slowly putting the blanket over him and plugging his phone in for the night

Once I was sure that he wasn't going to wake up i slowly walked out of his room and closed the door

I then went to check on papyrus and gaster and after seeing that they were all tucked in for the night went back to the others and fell asleep myself

But i had a bad feeling about tomorrow feeling like something bad was going to happen

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