chapter 3 the four deaths

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(keannas pov)

We're all in big trouble with those monsters here
i say to my friend Jessica

Jessica responds with saying
Yeah I know if the barrier is broken the four deaths will strike again i keep trying to tell asgore but he won't listen

I let out a annoyed sigh i swear these monsters are going to be the death of us i say to Jessica

I know right just saying the four deaths real names are a curse is what she responds with

Suddenly i hear someone call Jessica's name in the distance

I have to go my mom's calling me I'll see you later maybe Jessica says sadness in her voice when she finishes her sentence

We say our goodbyes for what could possibly be for the last time before the world possibly ends and then we go our separate ways

(Papyrus pov)

I was just taking a walk in the forest near the house when I heard two humans talking i hid behind a tree and listened to their conversation

One lets out a annoyed sigh and says I swear these monsters are going to be the death of us

the younger one responds with saying
I know right just saying the four deaths real names are a curse

The four deaths what do they mean by that and what do they mean by we are going to be the death of them i wonder

Suddenly I hear someone call for someone named Jessica

I have to go my mom's calling me I'll see you later maybe the younger one apparently named Jessica says sadness in her voice when she finishes her sentence

The two humans say goodbye and go there separate ways as soon as they leave i go to tell asgore he needs to know about this

(??? pov)

I look down on the town maybe I can spare this world


I punch the tree next to me in anger the tree falling over before I could even touch it

I then punch the ground so hard that all the other trees around me fall over as lightning strikes down around me

I turn and see the other three looking at me with fearful expressions

I use sign language to tell them that the plan has changed

We're going to kill asgore before we kill the rest

The others nod and we start walking towards asgore's castle

No one will be shown mercy

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