A dream(?)

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     "..Huh. It's been awhile, why am I not waking up?" You say in a slightly worried tone. "Hm? Oh, do you want to leave?" Kazuha asks you. "Oh- not that I want to leave! It's just.. a bit weird. I usually wake up at around this time. Do you think something happened?" You reply to Kazuha, looking him in the eyes. You feel.. worried. Did something happen to your body while you were asleep, in the dream world? Why aren't you waking up?

     "I don't think so. Maybe, you overslept. Don't stress about it, I'm sure you're okay." Kazuha says in a reassuring tone. "But what if?-" "Don't think about it darling. I'm sure you're fine." Kazuha cuts you off. "I hope you're right." You sigh. Although you enjoy the extra time you have with Kazuha, something feels.. off. But you brush it off, reassuring yourself it's alright. Time goes by and you still aren't waking up. Fortunately, you come up with an idea. "Kazuha-- could you like, punch me in the arm? Not too hard. Just make sure it hurts a bit, okay?" You ask Kazuha in hopes he will agree. "Uhm, that's weird. I don't want to hurt you."

"Just do it! Please."

"Alright then."

Kazuha punches you.

     "Ow! Wait. Why did.. why did that hurt? A-Am I not in a dream? What's going on?" You say worriedly. "I don't know how to respond. This isn't my fault. Although I know that I am not real and that I am in your dreams, I don't know what's happening." Kazuha replies, holding your hand tightly. "I'm so confused. You don't feel pain when your dreaming. Is this not a dream?" you say, hoping Kazuha will say something.
     "That's.. that's not right. I'm not real." Kazuha says while looking down at the grass. "Maybe.. wait- can we exit this place? There must be something outside the trees, right?" You say, pointing at the forests that are surrounding the both of you.


"Then, what are you waiting for? Let's find out, shall we Kazuha?"

"We shall."

(Authors notes)

points and laughs
Have a cliffhanger. Also, I'll be continuing the series, writing one part a day! Sorry if the parts are short, I'm just doing this for fun!!

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