New world

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You and Kazuha start walking towards the forests, not knowing what might be ahead of you. A few minutes of walking go by, and you start to see something..
     " that a city? Wait, I recognize this place. Is this Mondstadt?" You ask. "Huh, is it? I've never been here before." Kazuha replies. You both walk over, then you get stopped by a young female, wearing shorts and a red top. "Ah- Honorary knight! Fancy meeting you here!" The female says with a smile on her face. "Wait. Amber?" You say, looking towards Amber. "Yes honorary knight? Wait. Who's that person you're with? What are you doing here? I've never seen you before." Amber says and looks at Kazuha.
     "I'm Kazuha, I come from Inazuma. Me and my friend here were walking out of the forest when we noticed the city, I've never been here before." Kazuha replies, giving Amber a soft smile. "Well, if you're with the honorary knight, I suppose it's alright. Nice to meet you Kazuha! I'm Amber, outrider of the knight's of favonius!" Amber introduces herself to Kazuha.

"How.. what's happening? Am I.. am I in the game? How is this possible? What happened to me?"

     "Ah, Amber.. Could you show Kazuha around.. around Mondstadt? I gotta do something." You ask as Amber nods her head and takes Kazuha to Mondstadt. "Does this mean.. I'm the traveler? Huh. How is this happening.." You say in a soft voice to yourself. You start walking towards Windrise, to the Statue Of The Seven.
     "This is a bit scary. I don't know how to wield the elements like the REAL traveler could."  
You say to yourself. "Oh? Well well! It's the honorary knight! What are you doing here? You look pale. Are you okay?" A voice comes from behind you. "Wait, that voice is familiar." You say as you look behind you and see someone with twin braids that fade into aqua and turquoise clothing. "Venti?" You ask. "Yep! It's me! What are you doing here alone? I always see Paimon with you." He says curiously. "Oh. Well, I don't know where she went?" You say, trying to find an excuse.
     "Oh. Well, I'm about to head to Mondstadts tavern. Would you like to join me?" He says with a smile on his face as he grabs your hand. "Well.. sure." You answer. You both walk to Mondstadts tavern, bumping into Kazuha and Amber on the way. "Oh? (name) you're back. This city is really welcoming. Thanks for bringing me here. Where are you going and.. whos this person you're with?" Kazuha asks you while looking at Venti. "Oh- I'm Mondstadts bard! Call me Venti. And you are..?" Venti introduces himself. 
     "And where are you guys going?" Kazuha asks, as he walks towards you. "Well I guess I'm done here! Bye everyone!" Amber says as he cuts off Kazuha. "Venti invited me to the tavern. Would you like to join, pretty boy?" You say with a smile on your face. "Hm, sure I guess." Kazuha replies. "Ehe~ looks like the honorary knight has a lover!" Venti says, teasing you. "Cut it out Venti. So what if I do.." You say covering your face. "Anyways~ we're here!" Venti says with a smile. "So.. this is the tavern? It looks quite alright." Kazuha says. 

Well, guess I have to get used to this new world.

(Authors notes)
 This is getting interesting.. Don't you think?~

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