Chapter Fourteen

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Justine's POV
I receive texts from my friends for the first half hour of the dance. They send selfies to show how much fun they're having without me. It makes me feel worse that I didn't go. I know they're trying to include me in the fun but by the looks of it they're having more fun than if I were there. Yay, it's just Hannah and McKayla again.

Eventually they stop texting. Figures. So I decide to continue watching some Netflix with the twins.

"Hmm, what else to watch. Maybe I'll catch up on Arrow," I suggest.

"I really don't care. As long as it prevents me from doing homework," Jackson replies, laying across my bed. Jill lays down up next to me getting comfortable. I shrug and play the next episode of the show.

After five more episodes of Arrow and into the next, I receive a text. I pause the show after the episode ends (I didn't want to pause in the middle of the action). I get no complaints from the twins since they're sleeping so I pick up my phone.

The second I see the text from McKayla my heart practically stops and I scream a little. I drop my phone in the bowl of popcorn on my lap that I got before, my mouth gaping. I quickly pick up the phone and read the message again.

McKayla: Riker is here. At the dance.

After I read it over and over twenty times more, I finally get the sense in myself to actually check if it's true. So I get off my bed, having some difficulty pushing Jackson off of my legs. I need to get some privacy to call Riker's cellphone. (I know they're sleeping but there's a possibility they're faking.) And yes, physically call his number. If Riker doesn't pick up I don't know what to think. I know I'd be too broken to think anything.

I type in his number as fast as I can and place the phone to my ear, waiting.

Riker's POV
Rydel looks up from her magazine as I come through the front door. I'm pretty sure there's remains of panic on my face because of the curious look on her face.

"Why the heck are you home so early?" She asks.

I pause looking at her then I move to continue upstairs saying nothing. I don't feel like answering the question. I hear my sister place her magazine down next to her and stand up following me. I just ignore her. At the top of the stairs she pulls my shoulder back so I'm facing her. Her face is red and hot. Whoa, she is angry. My expression hardens. It's so unfair on how my siblings treat me about my situation.

"I'm sick and tired of you!" I yell at Rydel. She takes a step back. "Just leave me alone about it, okay?" I say a little calmer with a hint of begging in my voice. She stares back at me her expression fades from anger to sadness. "Rydel, please."

"I-I'm sorry," she says back shaking her head. "I wasn't meaning to make you cry."

I look at her confused. My hand goes up to wet eyes. I didn't realize I was tearing up. I wipe the tears away shaking my head. I turn away and stomp to my bedroom. I just want to be alone right now.

Once I close the door my phone starts ringing. Ugh. Should I answer it? I ask myself. At least look who it is. The voice answers. Deciding to actually listen to my conscience this time, I take out my phone to look at the screen.


Roughly running my hand through my hair I walk to my bed to sit down before answering the call.

"Hello Justine," I sigh trying to sound upbeat.

"Thank goodness, Riker," she says under her breath once I start speaking. "Thank goodness," she says again.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask her even though I know the answer.

"No. Not anymore," I hear on the other end.

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