Chapter Three

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Liane's POV
Okay. It's a new day. Tuesday. I can just try again. I take a deep breath and walk over to him at his locker.

"Hi there," I say with a smile.

"Oh. Hi Liane," he replies smiling back. He looks a little confused but he will figure out why I am talking to him soon enough.

"I just wanted to ask you something. I didn't get to ask you before so..."

"Ask away," he says, closes his locker, and gives me his full attention.

This is it.

"I just wanted to know wanted to hang out sometime...?" I ask trying to sound cool, or chill as the guys say.

He looks around. I can see a little blush appearing on his cheeks. I know I am blushing.

"I know the boys are supposed to ask the girls out but I'm pretty sure-"

"Yeah. Yeah sure," he disrupted my nervous rambling. He smiles. "I'd love that."

"Great!" I smile. "Do you wanna come to my party tonight? We can 'hang' then." I keep looking at him curiously. "There won't be any alcohol, I promise!" I quickly add.

"Uh I..." It sounds like he was about to say he couldn't but then that sweet smile appeared back on his face. "Yes."

I nod and wave. "See you later then."

Justine's POV
"Here comes Riker," Hannah informs poking me in the side telling me to turn around. So I turn.

"Hi again," he greets me when he stops in front of me. He glances at Hannah and McKayla on either side of me. Then his eyes fall back on mine.


He scratches the back of his neck. I can tell he wants to say something. My friends get the hint that he wants them to leave and so they don't.

"So... Yesterday," he says, trying to ignore the stares and little giggles from my friends.

I wait for him to say more.

"I uh..." He blushes. "I wanted to ask you if-if you were also interested?"

I don't say anything for a few moments. That seems to make him worry I will say no. But I do like him. I look up at him. He looks back expectantly.

"Are you asking me out?"

He lets out air as if he was holding his breath. "Well.." He seems unsure. "What do you think?" He questions, not wanting to answer my question.

Again, I don't say anything for a moment. Just to tease him this time.

I stare into his eyes. I don't know what to say. McKayla pokes me in my other side telling me to say something. But I can't bring myself to say anything. I just can't. I don't know why but I feel embarrassed. I turn, push past my friends, and run.

Riker's POV
Today was a disappointment. Getting invited to Liane's party was the only highlight. But that doesn't beat Justine running away from me like that. Hopefully the night will get better.

I am now getting ready for Liane's Homecoming party. Rocky is upset that he wasn't invited so he has to stay home with Ross and Ryland. Whatever. I'm glad my brothers won't be there. Though Rydel will be. Hopefully she doesn't stick with me the whole time. Even if she is my best friend.

When I'm done getting ready I go back downstairs. "Bye guys," I yell, letting everyone know I'm leaving.

"Can I just please please please go with you?" Rocky begs.

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