Chapter Fifty Two

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Riker's POV
"Where is my brush?!" Rydel yells out, making her way down the hall from her bedroom to mine. "I need my brush. Did you take it, Riker? Rocky?" She accuses the two of us.

"No we didn't take your stupid hairbrush. We have ones of our own, Rydel," I answer. "Your hair looks pretty how it is, why do you need it?"

"What do you mean my hair looks pretty?" She gasps. "It's nowhere near fine, let alone pretty."

"Your hair is always pretty, sis. You're just hyped up because you're going to the dance," Rocky says, rolling his eyes a little.

She just scoffs and walks away to go find her brush elsewhere. She's been excited for the dance ever since she got the nerve to ask Ellington. He said yes of course. But what Rydel doesn't know is that he only agreed to go just to be a good friend. Ratliff doesn't like Rydel in that way; he actually is fond of some girl named Kelly. But he knows Rydel has this huge crush on him and because he's her best friend, he couldn't say no and hurt her feelings.

"Girls. They're so.." Rocky pauses trying to think of the word. "They're so dramatic at times.

"Yeah," I chuckle. Then I turn back to our shared closet, searching for an appropriate outfit to wear. "Are you sure you don't want to go, Rocky?"

"Yeah I'm sure. I feel it will just be a waste of my time," he replies, turning the page of his magazine.

"Okay then, have fun staying home," I reply and take out a blue dress shirt, slacks, and dress shoes from my corner of the closet. I set them down on my bed and finally go to take my shower.

While occupying the bathroom I try not to touch Rydel's things scattered across the counter. I don't get why she can't do this stuff in her own room. I roll my eyes and step under the streaming hot water. After washing, conditioning, and  rinsing my hair and body I dry myself off and rap the towel around my waist.

"Finally!" Rydel pushes passed me and slams the door shut behind me.

When back at the room I lock the door behind me knowing Rocky has left the room. But before getting dressed I check my phone. I got a text from my girlfriend about ten minutes prior.

Justine: getting ready, can't wait, how about you?
Me: just showered, nice and clean. See you in a bit, beautiful.
Justine: alrighty mr tidy.
Me: no offense, but that was lame
Justine: ... I know. It was sarcastic.
Me: okay so I'm a mess now?
Justine: correct.
Me: well, miss, I'll prove you wrong.
Justine: I will be the judge of that.
Me: stawp! You're distracting me from tidying up my mess, aka me.
Justine: okie Rikey

I can't help but smile at that. I set my phone down and actually get dressed now. After I brush my hair I go downstairs for my dinner. Tonight the meal isn't so messy being a ham and cheese sandwich.

"Excited for tonight?" Ross asks as he takes his seat next to me with his bowl of cereal.

"Ecstatic," I reply focusing on my food.

"Justine is going to love what you have planned for her." He sounds impressed.

"I sure hope so. I'm glad you can help. I would've asked Rocky since he goes to the school. But you know.." I shrug. I couldn't ask Rocky to help me with something to do for Justine because that's just awkward.

"I understand dude. But no worries. I have your back."

"Thanks, man. I appreciate it." I give my little brother a smile.

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