Chapter Thirty Seven

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Liane's POV

"Quiet, class! Announcements are on!" The teacher calls over the racket of the other students in the room.

Riker and I shut up right away because we know what it's about. I know we don't need to be quiet because we already know everything but it's still respectful to be quiet. It takes a while for the rest of our peers to settle down so not all of it is heard.

"....Day dance the student council has decided to make it a Sadie Hawkins dance! At a Sadie Hawkins dance, the ladies get to ask the gentlemen to the event. So go get those dates ladies! But in order for this to happen we need to raise enough money for the dance. The council has planned that there will be a bake sale throughout the next two weeks and an R5 concert! Further information about the concert can be found on the school website or the official band website."

The class goes crazy with both negative and positive reactions. The girls obviously love the idea. The guys not so much.

"Awesome! I'm definitely going to that concert! R5 rocks. You think Rydel is gonna ask me?" Some guy asks another guy.

I look over at Riker to see if he heard that. He did. And he looks disgusted.

"I sure hope not," he says under his breath.

I giggle. "I'm sure she's gonna ask Ellington. Don't worry."

Riker nods. He opens his mouth as if he's going to say something else but the teacher starts talking again.

"Sorry, Rikes. After class we can talk." I turn back around to pay attention.

But I don't pay attention much. I'm too busy planning how I'm going to ask Riker to the dance.

"Liane, Liane, Liane! I need to tell you what happened with Justine and Rocky," Riker exclaims with a huge grin, pulling me  out of the classroom once the dismissal bell rings.

I roll my eyes, making sure he doesn't see. I really don't give a crap anymore. But I put on a small smile anyway. He hasn't been able to tell me all day since I or someone else has been cutting him off before he could. He can't wait any longer but he's going to have to.

"First, I need to tell you something." I say urgently stopping him in the middle of the busy hallway.

He looks back at me waiting and I freeze. I'm about to do it. Multiple people push and shove past us but I don't care. I'm about to do it.

"What is it?" He asks, chuckling a little and glancing around. I still haven't said anything and it's been a few moments. I bite my lip. I guess I am more nervous than I thought.

"I-I was wondering-"

Suddenly my body is pushed forward into his and he takes a step back to keep us both from falling. Riker looks over to see the jerk who pushed me into him and gives a deadly glare, ready to push him back. But I pull at his arm to stop him and getting his attention again. We are next to the wall now so it is most likely we aren't going to be pushed anymore.

"Riker, I was going to ask if you'd want to, you know..." My palms get sweaty and he looks at me expectantly. "...bring me to the dance?"

He's speechless. His mouth drops open and his eyes go wide. He looks almost... horrified.

I frown.

"Oh. That's cool," I shrug and quickly walk away with my head down.

I hear him call after me but I'm not eager to slow down my steps. What a fool I am!

Riker tries to get in touch with me after school. By the time it's four o'clock I know it's him every time my phone buzzes or rings. I don't even bother to take one glance at the device. I am so embarrassed I don't understand why he thinks I would even text him.

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