Chapter Four

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Riker's POV
The party is over now. It is just me, Liane, and just three more of her closer friends from school. We sit in the living room having our beverages (fruit punch) and laugh at the most random things.

I am actually having quite a fun time, despite the fact that I really only know Liane out of the whole group.

For the past half-hour we have been playing truth or dare. I never really liked playing this game but everyone made me. It hasn't been all that bad I guess. Even a few of Liane's siblings joined in.

"Okay Riker," she said turning to me. I think her name was Shay. "Truth? Or dare?" She asked in a dark voice as if that's going to scare me.

"Dare," I answer right away. I don't like answering very personal questions to people I don't really know and trust.

She smiled mischievously. Now that scared me.

"I dare you to kiss Liane."

I immediately look over at Liane and she stares back at me with a blank face. One of her little sisters, Kiley, glances back and forth between the two of us. The eleven year old seeming so intrigued, I swallow, gulping down the unexpected nerves.

"Well gee, Liane. You don't have to look so excited," I try to make it funny. I receive a few muffled laughs from the others and a smile from Liane.

"It's alright Riker." Shay gives me a little nudge.

I shrug like its nothing and lean in to kiss her. And we kiss. Liane pushes more into it, making my stomach flip. Eventually we are separated, me having no idea how long that lasted. I try to keep myself from blushing, not so sure if I'm successful.

"Next. Truth or dare Shay?" Liane asks without looking at me.

Wow. So she doesn't care about it at all. It seemed earlier today that she had the least bit interested in me. She's the one that kept the kids going. I should've known my suspicions were false. This is the confirmation.

This shouldn't matter to me anyways. I like Justine. Not Liane.

Liane's POV
Man, what a night. Best party ever! I seriously can't get this smile off my face.

So Riker and I hung together at the party all night and it was fun. Well, once he got into the party mood it was. We joked around with our peers. We played the lame party games that people seemed to like. It was hilarious watching everyone get so competitive over a simple board game.

I'm glad I had the time to get to know Riker a little better. There's not enough words in the world to describe how much fun I had with him.

Best of all, we kissed.

Yeah, maybe it was just a dare and he was forced to do it. Sure, the kiss was just ten seconds, not even. But I felt something. I'm sure that we have something.

He may have not wanted to kiss me at all. I could see it in his eyes. When I saw that, I tried not to make it look like it mattered to me. I guess it worked because it didn't seem Riker cared either after he pulled away. Though I wouldn't really know since I moved on with the game so quickly to prevent awkwardness.

But I was hoping that the kiss could've continued. I keep telling myself that it would've if maybe we were alone. Though maybe it wouldn't even had happened if we were. On the bright side, it did happen.

Riker's POV
I walk in the door really late. Well, really early since it was morning. When I stepped through the front door and turned on a light, I saw that Rocky was waiting for me in the living room. Yep, just sitting on the couch in the dark, doing nothing. You'd think he would at least be watching scary movies. Or something.

I ask the the typical question. "What are you still doing up?"

"I can ask you the same question." I raise an eyebrow at him. He continues, giving the non-typical answer. "Waiting for you."

"Why?" I set my keys down and take off my jacket.

"I was worried sick about you. You didn't come home by the time it was your curfew. Do you know what time it is, young man?" He stands acting all mother-like.

I roll my eyes. "Seriously?" But I look at the clock anyway. "It's not that late."

"Rydel was back home two hours ago!"

"Yes. But your point is..?"

He lets out a very frustrated groan. "Never mind. Good night." He stomps up the stairs to get some sleep.

Moment later I'm going up as well to sleep the day away if I can.


A/N well i missed out on what could have been one of the best concerts of my life last night cuz i didn't have tix. and now it's being rubbed in my face on all my social media. yaaaay.

anyways hope you like this. it's pretty short bc of how i rearranged things from how it was before. i hope it was changed for the better.


Happy Reading! -Bethany

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