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After seeing regulus Cassidy noticed that he would talk to Barty crouch jr..
Should she talk to him? What if he thinks it's weird?
Screw it.
She was going to talk to him.

She saw him sitting by himself in the courtyard.
"Hey your barty crouch right?" She said to him
He looked up at her and smiled.
"Yea, what do you need?" He said.
Wow he's more welcoming then regulus.
"Well I'm Cassidy, and I just have to talk to you about someone." She said
He chuckled, "ok, who?"
"Regulus black" she said
Barty paused almost as he was in thought.
"What of him?" He asked.
"Well I've just seen him around and I know you and him are friends so I figured I'd ask you about him."
She said.
"We'll do you fancy him or something?" He said with a smirk.
"Oh no, not at all, I just wanted to know more about him." She said while looking down.
He laughed.
"Alright but don't tell him I said anything cause he'll kill me" he said.
She nodded.
"Well regulus is a pretty reserved guy, he's been through a lot, so I guess that's why he doesn't really talk to other people. I mean you know his brother Sirius basically abandoned him. So it really affected him. If you want to talk to him just keep trying,
He will ignore you at first, but if your consistent and not overly annoying he will eventually talk to you more." He said.
"Thank you, I'll go now" she said.
"Good luck" barty said while laughing.
Cassidy walked away smiling.

She formed a plan.

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