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Peter Benjamin Parker
Web Shooters

Spider Suit

Peter lived a normal, well. As normal as life is in this world, life in America when he was 4 years old Peter's parents took him to live with his uncle Ben and aunt May in New York. Promising they'd return. But they never did due to dying in a plane crash. Leaving Peter to be raised by his uncle and aunt. As he grew up Peter was revealed to be quirkless. Causing a sense of isolation from the world. As while yes 20% of the population also didn't have a quirk. That still paled compared to the 80%. When he was 15 (months before the story starts) he technically snuck into the Oscorp tower as he took someone else's pass to look around after finding out his father worked with a scientist there. He ended up being bit by a Spider they were having made to try and find a way to produce a way for quirks to be made in quirkless individuals. After leaving Peter found himself exhausted and sick. Falling asleep on a subway. He awoke suddenly to a sense going off as a homeless man balanced a beer on his head. The next few days he discovered he'd gotten a power. A quirk. He had super strength, durability, endurance, reaction time and various other things. Overtime he spent more time with the scientist his father knew. Until one day he ignored a call from his uncle meant to remind him to pick up his aunt. When he got home he realised he forgot to pick his aunt up. Causing an argument between him and his uncle when Ben said he should live up to his father's principal of if you could do good things for other people you had a moral obligation to do those things. Not for choice. For responsibility. Causing Peter to lash out and ask how he dares to tell him that when his father didn't see it his responsibility to be there himself to tell HIS son those words. Storming out into the night Peter ignored another call from his uncle and went to a store. Where he let a robber go free without stopping them. When he heard a gunshot. He went and found his uncle dead. Having left to try and find him and this resulted in his death when he tried to stop the robber. Despite having no "great power" he took it as his responsibility to try at least. When he discovered it was the same criminal he let go. He gained a need for vengeance. He spent his time looking for that criminal. But when he had to choose between catching him or saving a innocent child he remembered the words his uncle told him. Choosing to do good over filling his own agenda. He decided he could do more for the world through becoming a hero. So he began to work on getting over seas to Japan. To enroll into UA. His aunt obviously moving over into the country with him. And now. He prepares for the time he will attempt to get into the greatest hero school there is. To fulfill his responsibility to the world.

Foreign Exchange Student, UA's Spider ManDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora