The First Day

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Peter was doing push ups in his room. Well. Technically he was doing a hand stand but doing push ups too. While only using one single hand. He was preparing to head out and off to UA. Once he got ready he used the strength he had to make himself be able to flip around and then land on his feet. He hummed and got his stuff "see you later aunt May. Love you" he waved as he walked out. Hands in his pockets with his backpack on. He had already sent in his updated suit idea

Soon Peter arrived at the school. Staring up at it with awe. Then he shook his head going towards the class sitting as he listened to the class talk. Although Peter didn't actually speak much. When he noticed Midoriya arrive he gave a wave but remained silent. Waiting as he then heard a voice "If your just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now"

Despite how quiet he was to everyone else Peter heard him easily. He could see him getting up from outside the class and talk to them all. He listened as he explained how he was their teacher. Once told to put on the uniforms Peter did just that. Heading out he noticed Uraraka talking about missing orientation

"In the real world we can't choose if we have a certain activity every day. Every day out there the world is at risk of being thrown out of focus and we'd lose the ability to follow normality. Regardless UA doesn't follow tradition" Peter spoke

"... Correct. Now then. You've all experienced standardised tests all the time. But you never were allowed to use your quirks. The world is trying to pretend we're all created equal. It's not rational. One day the ministry of education will learn. Parker. You scored the most overall points in the exam. What was your farthest distance throw in softball when you were in junior high?"

Peter tried thinking. Not noticing a certain explosive boy was fuming that he wasn't first." 65 meters if my memory serves right"

"Right. Try doing it with your quirk" Aizawa gave instructions

Peter nodded walking to the circle. He looked at his wrists. And took off his web shooters and placed them on the ground. He grabbed the ball. He reeled his hand back. Putting his strength fully into it. Tossing the ball. Then waited for the result.

Aizawa held up his phone "all of you need to know your maximum capabilities. Its the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero"

"woah. 695 meters? Are you kidding me?" a yellow and black haired boy asked. Denki Kaminari.

"I wanna go that looks like fun!"

"this is what I'm talking about. Using our quirks as much as we want!"

Peter picked up the web shooters placing them back on his wrists as they seemed to release more parts and then wrap around his wrists with the triggers deploying on his palms. He walked back to the others.

Listening as Aizawa explained the concept of being expelled. And lectured the class about thinking life is going to be fair "so go beyond. Plus ultra style, show me it's no mistake that your here" he bluntly ended the speech

When Midoriya was able to use a finger with his quirk and throw the ball he grinned 'there we go. Knew he could do something to make it work' he then felt his spider sense go off. Not for himself but in general. When he noticed Bakugo suddenly run at Midoriya screaming at him. When suddenly a web shot onto one of his legs and another went onto the back of his hand. Peter yanked one hand back making Bakugo fall flat on his face.

Aizawa was about to intervene when Peter did it. He was surprised but glad someone did something. Considering the rest of the class didn't do anything. "Stand down. I'll have to warn you not to make me annoyed Bakugo. I won't hesitate to expel any kids who don't deserve to be here. Parker, if you wouldn't mind." Peter nodded and walked over. Yanking the webbing off and then retracting it back inside the web shooters for reuse later. He walked back to the others and hummed

Over the rest of the exams Peter excelled. His physical capabilities were extremely enhanced after all. 'I think he's lying about expelling anyone. He'd have already expelled Midoriya and objected to him joining until the point he wouldn't have gotten in regardless of rescue points. You wouldn't accept someone into your class if they could only damage themselves and no doubt cripple them' he thought. 'plus he wouldn't have grinned when Midoriya succeeded' Peter kept theorising.

Afterwards Peter helped Midoriya up. When Aizawa revealed the scores and said he wouldn't have expelled the person in last. Aka Midoriya 'Now why do I doubt THAT. I was already thinking he wouldn't have but now that he said he wouldn't have I think he would've...'

Later Peter was heading home when he was joined by Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka "oh. Hey you guys. You dealing good with the practical heart attack Mr Aizawa gave us?"

"haha. Yeah. That was shocking" Uraraka laughed nervously. It had caused a great shock with them

"I agree with Uraraka. It seemed wrong to lie to us in the first place" Iida frowned

"It makes sense at the end of the day" Midoriya brought up that fact

"Izu-.... Midoriya is correct" Peter stated. Sighing at not being used to using second names first.

"by the way. I've been wondering. Your foreign correct? Not to be rude but your name is odd for this country and you have an accent" Iida asked

"yeah I've wondered that too" Uraraka asked "n-not that you HAVE to answer. It's alright to keep certain things to yourself!"

"I'm American. And no worries. It isn't rude. Just curiosity. I'll gladly share more history but just. Not today right now. Hope you understand" he then felt his phone vibrate. Taking it out he saw he had been messaged "alright. Gotta go. Shopping for my aunt. See ya!" Peter waved and ran off

Once at the store he noticed a robber. Without hesitation he shot out a web line and yanked them over. Webbing them down to the floor. He headed to the cashier putting money on the counter he waved as he quickly left. Heading home. Once he arrived he and May again began sorting out the groceries. Peter glanced towards some photos. Him, his father and mother. And him and his uncle and aunt. He sighed as he kept sorting through the groceries.

"how was your first day Peter" May asked snapping him out of his daze

"oh uh... Hmmm.... It was great. Thanks for asking. I'm looking forward to my future there"

Foreign Exchange Student, UA's Spider ManWhere stories live. Discover now