More Training

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Location: UA Gate

Peter was walking through the gates of UA. He had spent the day the school kept them off to let himself heal and work on his web shooters. He sighed as he headed into UA now. On the way to class he ran into Jirou, not literally don't worry he didn't run into her like a train. They talked on the way to class "no doubt some of our class mates will take us being on TV as fame already" she remarked

Peter nodded "yeah. No doubt... Bet you a 10 it's Kirishima first?"

"Sure thing" Jirou replied "but get ready to pay up... How's your wound?" she asked looking where the bullet had gone through Peter's side

"It's healed up mostly. Still small scars on both the point it went into my side and the point it exited. But I'm mostly fine. Spent the free time healing and upgrading my web shooters. So I was able to heal much better" he reassured her and she nodded. They kept walking and headed to the class

Once there Hagakure the invisible girl was talking about the news "You guys! Did you watch the news last night?"

"A little" Peter answered resting a hand against his chin

"It was so cool that we got a few seconds of screen time! Although I bet no one noticed me in the background"

"Probably not" Shoji bluntly replied

"It's pretty difficult to be noticed when your nothing but gloves" Ojiro said

"We're totally big deals, those news channels love us we're basically celebrities" Kaminari said leaning back in his chair to put his hands behind his head.

"Yeah it's kinda crazy right?" Kirishima asked

'God damn it Kaminari' Peter thought to himself when Jirou gave him a small grin signifying he WAS going to pay her that money 'How dare you steal away 10 dollars from me without realising it'

"Get over yourselves, the hero course that pumps out pros was attacked and that's what they care about" Jirou said while fiddling with one of her earphone jack ears

"Who knows what would've happened to us if the heroes hadn't shown up" Sero remarked

"Well I have Parker to thank for me being fine. Dude took a bullet for me and saved me after I fried my brain with my full power attack" Kaminari said giving him a thumbs up. Peter gave one back and multiple other students looked at him after that

"Is that why Jirou and Yaoyarozu were helping you walk?" Midoriya asked. To which Peter nodded

"Did you guys see All Might fighting that bird guy? That dude was super strong and he still destroyed him!" Sato said enthusiastically

"Yes. His strength is truly a thing of wonders" Tokyoyami responded to his question with a nod also

The clock ticked to 8:24 and Iida ran to the front "Attention! Homeroom class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats!"

"Uuuh we're all sitting" Kaminari replied

"Yeah your the only one standing" Kirishima also spoke up

Peter chuckled to himself. Iida was really taking his role as Class Rep to heart. He was glad. Although the amount of seriousness was a bit surprising at times. He watched him sit down and mumble to himself with Uraraka saying don't sweat it.

"So Tsu, sooo-" Mina began and was then slightly surprised by nearly falling back in her chair as she leaned back to talk to Tsuyu only for the frog girl to put her hands to the chair to stop it "Who do you think is going to teach class today"

Foreign Exchange Student, UA's Spider ManWhere stories live. Discover now