A Villain Attack

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Location: May Parker and Peter Parker's apartment:

Peter was hurrying to get all of his stuff for school. He used his web shooters to bring his UA jacket to him. He hurried to get the rest of his stuff. He knew his aunt was out for the morning so he just headed out. He was feeling more tired than before from even less sleep than before. From more... Of those nightmares. He shook his head. No use thinking of it.

As Peter headed to the school he ran into the student with the hardening quirk. Kirishima. "oh. Hey man! How you been?"

Peter gave a thumbs up "I've been good. Good to see you again" the two began to talk on the way to the school. Once there they saw how there was press all over. "soooo. How do you think we shOOOOULD-" Kirishima was cut off by Peter grabbing his hand then jumping over the fence to get inside. Helping Kirishima land "woah dude. That was weird. Your crazy strong for a teenager. You just lifted me with one hand and jumped that high like nothing"

Kirishima and Peter kept talking until they arrived at class. Once they got there they were greeted by the rest of the classmates. The ones currently in were Jirou, Iida, Todoroki and Denki. The ones who weren't. You know, super quiet COUGHTodorokiCOUGH talked with them for a while. Before they began their normal lessons

However once lunch arrived Peter was sitting by himself for now as he rubbed his head. He glanced up when Jirou and Momo sat with him. They talked for a bit longer about random things. "There's something I'm curious about though Parker" Momo spoke

"What is i-" Peter cut himself off "something is happening" he said quickly said before the alarms went off. Peter didn't wait and threw himself up and then he began to maneuver himself to the halfway to investigate through the windows. It only took a few moments for him to realise. That was not going to be easy. The hallway was quickly filled with panicking students.

As this went on Peter would be trying to pull any of his classmates out the of the chaos. Away from him however was Iida. Who had realised it was only the press outside who'd. Somehow gotten into campus. He then spotted Peter and called out his name loudly "Parker!!!" this got Peter's attention and he turned his head over to him "Get me to the front of the hallway!!"

Peter nodded and crawled over reaching down grabbing onto his hand and then he tossed Iida to the front of the hallway for him to catch on and stay on. He listened as Iida gave a speech to the students. First explaining that it was only the press outside. Then going on to say they shouldn't be panicking and should stay calm as we are the best of the best. That's why we were allowed here after all. Peter slightly smiled "one hell of a leader" he heard the sirens before others would. He went to a less crowded area to wait for everything to calm down.

Although... Something didn't sit well with him. Who could get the measly press through and INSIDE UA's gate and onto the grounds. And why


Once hero class came back and the students were finally relieved Aizawa would explain they were going to be going on a rescue training exercise. Peter thought about what to do for it. But he couldn't make a full plan yet. Once the costumes were brought out in the containers. Peter walked and took out his. Heading to change into it. He thought about something. That idea of why and how the press thing happened refused to leave his head

He soon was outside waiting for the others while looking over his web shooters. And once he heard Iida call for them all to get on the bus. In a... Let's call it specific fashion. Unfortunately for the class rep (I know I skipped that but I'd rather get to the big stuff first) the layout kinda ruined his plan

Foreign Exchange Student, UA's Spider ManWhere stories live. Discover now