A Plan Goes Wrong, Horribly Wrong

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Location: UA High

Peter was laying on his stomach covered in bruises and cuts, over him stood 6 figures, all around was burning and destruction of a stadium and various heroes too busy dealing with other issues like saving civilians and dealing with many other figures, barely he saw the biggest figure raise they're fist "goodbye little spider" he could hear his classmates yelling for him. As the fist swung for his face.

Hours prior:

Location: UA Sports Festival Building

Peter was sitting in the class 1-A waiting room with the rest of the class. He had his head down on one of the tables holding it as it was practically cracking with pain. Jiro nudged him and looked at him "what's up with you, you look awful plus when you were walking with me and Momo you ended up tripping over, that never happens to you"

"Ever since I woke up my spider sense has been going off nonstop. But I can't think of what the issue is" he mumbled

"this is worrisome. You said it ONLY goes off whenever something dangerous or against what your doing is going to happen right?" Momo asked

Peter nodded and before they could continue the talk Iida burst in "everyone get ready and put on your game faces-" he would continue talking but Peter tuned it out as the pain in his head intensified, although he did pick up the sound of Todoroki talking to Midoriya who was currently a nervous wreck as due to other situations All Might couldn't make it to the event for now.

He stood up walking over to them "Look I'm going to put this as nice as I can, back off ice man. If your here to be a hero which you seem very determined on, act like a good person first. We already have Bakugo filling the role of local jerk, also don't talk to someone's who's full strength you haven't fully seen yet. I think someone who doesn't use his own doesn't have place to judge others' maximum strength"

Peter and Todoroki stared at each other for a solid 5 seconds when the walking AC turned and walked out.

Everyone had to shrug off surprise from seeing Peter like this as he'd never spoken like that to anyone but Bakugo when he was at the most annoying states. They all then headed off to enter the stadium.

"Hey!!!" Present Mic called as monitors lit up with him being shown on them via video feed "Make some noise all you rabid sports fans!!!-" he would continue yelling as the classes were heading through corridors to the stage.

Peter thought to himself 'man is he ever at a volume level less than 500%' as he rubbed his head. Then the class stepped out into the light being revealed once again to the public.

Present Mic would continue speaking as everyone reacted differently to all the eyes focusing in on them all. Peter however felt his headache intensify as they as well as he wouldn't be reacting to the eyes on them but more so who or what could be among them that was causing his issue.


Peter stood with the entire student population staring at the hallway leading to the first event. A race. Once the lights all went off and Midnight yelled begin. He slightly tensed then ran ahead and hwne his spider snese went off for an unknown reason he went off of what his instant instinct was telling him and leaped forward, he fired two web lines onto the edges of the doorway and springshot himself forward past everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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