The Exam

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"Peter. Peter wake up!"

Peter awoke suddenly slightly jolting when he blinked a few times. He turned and saw his aunt holding his shoulder "We here?" he asked

"Almost Peter. Just thought it'd be nice for you to be awake when you land in the place you'll make Ben most proud in" May smiled at him

Peter gave a smile back. Hearing those words inspired him every time. He looked out the window of the plane watching as they were still high in the sky but slowly going down towards an airport. He'd been training back in America for this. Once the plane landed he and his aunt got off and they were dropped off at their new apartment.

Peter was heading home from buying groceries and ended up being bumped into by someone who fell over due to Peter being like a wall of flesh to him then quickly began apologising in Japanese (obviously I'm not going to write in Japanese just know they are speaking it). Good thing Peter was smart enough to teach himself and his aunt Japanese "oh my gosh I'm sorry I should've paid attention to where I was going"

"No worries I wasn't entirely paying attention either. Are you alright though?" Peter held his hand out and the green haired boy took it as he helped him up

"I'm alright. Uhm. You don't sound like your from around here, your Japanese has an accent. What's your name? Oh. Mines Izuku Midoriya"

"Peter Parker. I'm from America. Nice to meet you Izu-I mean Midoriya. Sorry. Not used to the second name calling here" Peter nervously chuckled shaking his hand

"no worries Parker. It's normal for someone to not be used to something immediately" Midoriya smiled "how long have you been here?"

"Few hours. Me and my aunt just moved into a place" he explained and gave the specific apartment building

"What a coincidence. Me and my mom live there. Do you need some help getting the groceries home?" Midoriya offered to help

"I'm fine. But we can walk to the apartment complex. After all. We're basically neighbours as fate would have it" Peter hummed and the two would begin heading towards the building talking. Peter of how life was in America. And Midoriya just about random things. Then they both revealed they were planning on heading to the UA Entry Exam.

"Best of luck to you Parker. I hope we can both get in and become great heroes together!" Midoriya smiled

"Same to you Midoriya. I'll see you there" he waved to Midoriya as they walked to their separate apartments. Once Peter got inside he and May sorted the groceries "met someone also going to the exam. Izuku Midoriya. Nice guy"

"that's great Peter. Then you'll have more friends when you go. Now hurry off to bed Peter. You'll need all the energy you can, love you Peter"

Peter laughed walking to his room "love you too May"

Next Day:

Peter was walking out of his apartment when he spotted Midoriya who also saw him. They greeted each other and walked to the location for the entrance exam. Midoriya seemed nervous of seeing Bakugo but the explosive boy didn't do anything besides say to move. This relaxed him. When Midoriya fell Peter reacted instantly and caught him. "Are you alright" a brown haired girl asked who Peter noticed was about to help stop Midoriya falling before he did.

Foreign Exchange Student, UA's Spider ManWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt