Chapter two : Missing posters

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TW : swearing, sort of implying death.

Phil's POV

Phil had gotten done breeding the wolves about an hour ago, and the sun was setting now. He wasn't worried for Techno. He probably found some gold jackpot and was busy mining it. Though, as the day turned into night, and Techno still hadn't returned, Phil did start to worry a tiny bit.

Is there any way he could get lost? No, Technoblade is smart enough to at least place a trail of torches behind himself. He ruled out a few things that could have happened, then shook his head. Techno was probably fine. He eventually went to bed, drifting off into an uneasy sleep.

The next morning...

Phil woke up to the sun shining through his window. He sighed, getting up from his bed.
After getting dressed for the day, he went to Techno's room. Nothing. Phil frowned. Had Techno not come home last night?

"Techno? You here mate?" He called after leaving Techno's room. No answer. Now, a pit of worry settled in Phil's stomach. If Techno had planned on staying in the nether overnight he would have messaged him. Did that mean that something had happened? If so, what?

What if he's hurt somewhere? Phil didn't want to think it, nor did he think it was very possible, but even if Techno was hurt, he would still have his communicator on him, so he could message someone to come help. 
Maybe he just lost his communicator, Phil thought, but shook his head. Techno wouldn't just lose his only communication device. Well, if he didn't lose his communitcator, then maybe Techno could be in more trouble than he thought. . .

I need to go find Technoblade.

Techno's POV

Techno woke up right where he blacked out; on the lava grid between the two bastion buildings. His vision was blurry, and it was extremely, eerily, quiet. Then he realized what it was. The voices were gone. He immediately started panicking.
Chat? Why are you so quiet? Where did you go? Chat? Chat!
He called out to them in his mind over and over again, with no answer. Techno exhaled slowly. He would figure this out.

Technoblade blinked a few times, but his vision was still blurry. Annoyed, he shook his head, and that's when he realized.
Uh, that did not feel normal. He remembered suddenly that the piglin brute had splashed him with some sort of potion, and he felt dread settle in his gut. He slowly got to his feet, which, still hurt, but not as much as before.
That didn't feel normal either, he thought, his dread growing heavier. Techno hesitantly looked down at his hands, or rather, his hooves, which were standing on the ground like his feet were.

Technoblade widened his eyes in shock and confusion.
What the fu- all of a sudden, Techno's thoughts were interrupted by angry-sounding squealing and snorting. He snapped his head around, looking behind him. Two piglins were glaring angrily at him, Wielding axes and swords. He also saw that he had the body of a giant hog. Or rather, a hoglin.

The piglins charged towards him, and he turned his new hoglin body to face them, lowering his head. The piglins seemed to hesitate as they got closer, though, and now that Techno looked closer, the piglins did seem a bit smaller than usual. Or maybe...he was bigger? Techno decided to try something. He planted his han- hooves on the ground in front of him, snorting and growling loudly at the piglins. They seemed to get the idea and scurried back to wherever they came from so fast that Techno could hardly catch it.

Now with the piglins gone, Techno had a chance to think. No voices, he was in the body of a hoglin (quite a large hoglin at that), and now that he looked, he didn't have his communicator.
Wait, where is all my stuff? Techno turned back around, and there, where he woke up, was his things. His armor, food, tools, and the remaining torches he had left. It looked as if he had died.

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