Chapter three Pt. 2: A Really Big Hoglin

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I'm publishing this in two parts bc it was taking so long so sorry about that friend :]

Ranboo's POV
(it's all third person limited I'm never writing first person lol)

Michael babbled nonsense as he colored on a piece of paper. Ranboo was sat babysitting him while Tubbo was out with Foolish working on the mansion.

He sighed. This was nice. It was peaceful. No conflict, no fighting, no voices. Just him and his son chilling in the living room.

That was until Philza Minecraft busted through the door with a look of panic on his face and his wings puffed out. Ranboo jumped, making a small noise in Ender. He stood up and took Michael into his arms.

Ranboo frowned.
"Phil? What- what are you doing here?" He asked nervously. He didn't like the scared look Phil was giving him. It made him scared.

Phil looked around the house for a moment before replying,
"Is Tubbo here?" He asked.
Ranboo shook his head.
"Tubbo's with Foolish working on the mansion. Phil, what's wrong?" He questioned him.

Phil paused and closed the door behind him, then turned back to Ranboo and straightened his back. He gave Ranboo a small smile.
"I uh- I need your help- uh. . . Finding something." He said.

Ranboo tilted his head.
"Why did you come to me? Why not go to Technoblade?"

Phil's smile faltered, and he furrowed his brow.
"Well. . . That's what I need your help with, Ranboo. Techno's gone missing." He said.

Ranboo made a shocked Enderman noise. Michael jumped a little.
"Missing? You mean, the Technoblade? H-how do you know he's not just lost-" he said, but Phil cut him off.

"He calls himself the human compass," he deadpanned, "I don't think he got lost. And, I found this at a bastion in the Nether."
Phil opened his inventory and dumped out a big heap of gear and items.

Ranboo let out a shuddering breath.
"Are those Techno's things?"

Phil took a few steps forward.
"Calm down, he's not dead. We would've seen the message, remember? What I can't figure out is why he would leave all his things in the middle of the nether."

Ranboo set Michael down. The young zombie piglin looked up at him with wide eyes, so he ruffled his head fur and sent him back to coloring.

Ranboo sighed. He looked back at Phil. The winged man was looking at him with desperate eyes. He looked so confused. So scared. Technoblade was the only son he had left.

"I'll help you find Technoblade."

Guys remember it's just half a chapter the full chapters are all over 1000 words I was just having trouble writing this for a bit.

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