Chapter four : The Encounter

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I do in fact have covid so I'm laying here listening to Lemon Demon when suddenly I got inspiration to write this masterpiece, plus, Mother Fengo went to Wendy's and got me a milkshake :))))

TW //  cursing, minor injury

Ranboo's POV (I've been reading a lot of first person books so just this once you get this perspective)

Before leaving, Phil told me to meet him at his house in the snow biome. I didn't know how long Tubbo would be helping Foolish with the mansion, and I also didn't know how long Phil could wait for me. Technoblade could be in danger, as crazy as it sounded. So I called the first person I thought of to watch Michael.

"What's up, Ranboob?" I sighed.
"Hey Tommy. Can you help me with something?" I said I go my communicator. I heard him answer on the other end,

"With what?"

"Do you think you can watch Michael for a bit until Tubbo gets back?"
I said. I decided not to tell him why, I didn't know how he would react if I told him I was helping Phil and Techno. I was almost sure he'd tell Tubbo though, and I knew how he'd react.

"I guess so, why?"
He asked the single question I didn't know how to answer.
"Uh- I um.. I need to take care of some- something." I stuttered, cringing at my excuse.
I bit my lip when I heard Tommy pause for a moment.
"You're acting awfully sus, but yeah, I can watch Michael." He said, and I internally sighed with relief.
"Thanks Tommy, I'll see you when you get here." I said. He said goodbye as well and hung up.

I fell back onto the couch and closed my eyes. One break. One. That's all I wanted. From the wars, the panic room, working, stress, all of it. I guess I wasn't the kind of person to get those breaks. I couldn't think about it too much, I didn't want to get upset and cry.

The last tear scars were still healing.

It took a while before I heard knocking on the door. Michael looked up from his scribbling and tugged at my pant leg. I patted his head before walking over to open the door.

( I think I want this to take place after Tommy gets revived bc it has more angst potential so I can feed you guys so just pretend they're still working on the mansion after all this happened )

There Tommy stood, his hair was a bit messy and a white streak like lighting disturbed the golden poof on his head. He was wearing a blue coat over his signature red and white T-shirt. I opened the door, letting him in, but didn't fail to notice the dark bags under his eyes and the way he slouched, more than usual.

After sitting him on the couch, I got him some hot chocolate and decided to ask him the question that wouldn't leave my mind.
"Have you been getting enough sleep?" I questioned him worriedly.

He seemed to hesitate before sighing.
"I guess not. I keep having nightmares." He admitted, and I frowned.
"Are they about..." I started, but Tommy finished my sentence.
"This? Yeah." He said as he held up the white streak in his hair before letting it fall back down.

I thought for a moment. Tommy was having these nightmares alone. I pondered something before asking him,
"If you wanna stay here we have a spare room next to Michael's." I offered him. He stared at me for a moment.

"Yeah- that sounds nice." He said. I smiled before telling him all he needed to know about caring for Michael, until finally leaving Snowchester a bit later.

I had almost made it to the community house when I saw a big shadow flash in the corner of my vision. I whipped my head around, but there was nothing. I frowned.

Click clack

I turned in circles. Was I being followed?
"Is anyone there?" I called out. No answer.
If I am being followed then I should hurry and get to Phil's, I thought.

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