Part 2 UwU

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“Hey harvey you know that marshall case?” Mike says sporting a wide grin.

“Yes, what about it?” Harvey asks questionably.

“Well I just figured out how we can win” Mike says hardly able to conceal his excitement.

“Really, well what is it?” Harvey asks almost not believing Mike.

“Ok well if your sure then come into my office lets talk about this” Harvey urges.

Mike follows Harvey into his office leaving Donna at her desk most definately listening in on their conversation.

“Ok that might just work” Says Harvey after Mike had explained.

“Yea exactly” Mike says still grinning.

“Lets get our client her asap then” Harvey demands.

“Way ahead of you he is coming in at 3” Mike explains.

“What, without consulting me first?” Havey splutters.

“Yea no shit sherlock” Mike says wittily.

“Oh for fucks sake, leave me alone so I can get ready for this meeting then” Harvey says.

Mike leaves and Donna gives him a haunted look as he is exiting Harveys office.

“Harvey when the hell are you going to just accept the umm situation” Donna says the panic seeping into her voice.

Donna is now in Harveys office its 1 and Harvey just wont accept it.

“What do you mean I dont have to accept anything, there is nothing to accept” Harvey says calmly.

“Oh you damn well know there is definately something to accept, just at least admit that its a thing you need to think about” Donna explains.

“Just get out of my fuckin’ office Donna I dont need this shit” Harvey says.

“Your just getting angry because you know damn well its true” With that Donna strides out of his office and sits forcefully down on her seat refusing to look back at Harvey.

Mike was determined to find out what Donna was about to say as soon as he see’s Donna at her desk her starts to walk up to her.

“Hey Donna” Mike says happily.

“Oh hey Mike, Harvey’s not in the mood right now” Donna elucidated.

“No actually I came to talk with you” Mike points out.

“Oh ok what did you want” Donna says 

“Oh nothing much just what were you going to say before, you know before Harvey came out” Mike asks politely.

“Nothing dont worry about it” Donna says as she turns her head back down to her computer. 

“Oh well you see I would really like to know” Mike replies.

“Well then ask Harvey yourself, about whats going on with him” Donna snaps back.

“Maybe I will then” Mike says as he walks towards Harveys office preparing himself to barge in.

“Im sure it will go brilliantly” Donna yells sarcastically as Mike walks into Harveys office.

Hey Srry If this is really bad (it probs is lel) But yea.
Also srry this one is short too but I just wanted to write something quickly (:
I hope you guys like this, give me some feedback please if you can I would like to try and improve but yea thanks for reading I really appreciate it.
Tell me what you guys think I should add and i'll be more than happy to try and implement it into the next chapter^-^

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