Chapter 7

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A little over two weeks have passed since then. I tried with the whole give her space and don't rush, but ultimately I failed.

I was always lurking around her, to the point rumors started going around saying we were either dating or I was chasing her.

I would pick up her and Kyle up every morning, basically became a chuffer. I need to buy Kyle a car so he can stop interrupting our moments, or at least a girlfriend so he can stop acting like a third wheel.

I've been trying to get her to hang out with me outside of school, but she's still wary of me. And by now I'm convinced something happened in her past. I'm tempted to snoop around but I'll try to wait until she trusts me enough to tell me.

As it so happens, today is the day I get rewarded for my hard work this past month. She decided to go on a date with me.

Decked out in fitting dark grey jeans, a thin light grey turtle-neck shirt, and a thin dark gray overcoat. I styled my hair, parting the bangs 30-70 on my forehead. Clean shaven and groomed, I'm ready to go.

And now I wait. Yes, wait. For my date to arrive. She's fifteen minutes late, am I gonna be stood up?

Out of boredom I'm playing with the now empty coffee cup.

My phone dings, alerting me of a message.

Mythica: [Hey, I'm so sorry for being late. I'll be there in five mins, if you're still there?]

Me: [No worries, take your time. I'm still in the café, sitting by the windows.]

Around five minutes later, she arrives.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." She huffs, out of breath. It seems she ran here. How cute...

"It's all good, have a seat." I say softly, as I direct her with my chin and hand her a menu when she's all settled. "Pick out something to eat and drink."

"Okay, my treat." She nods.

"No can do. Darling, could you let me have the satisfaction of being a gentleman?" She blushes at this, but nods in the end.

By now she already understands my personality from my actions this past month. Every door was opened by me, I've walked her to her classes, got our lunch together, helped her carry many things, etc. Being a gentleman was the good side of my personality.

We ordered drinks and slices of cake to munch on.

While we're eating I ask, "So, what made you late?"

"Ah, I, um, over slept. Didn't sleep well last night."

"I see. Too excited for our date to sleep well." With a smug face, I smirk as take a sip of my latte.

"Huh?! This isn't date! We're here to finish the project." At first she was flabbergasted, then she put a hand on her mouth, giggling adorably. She's gotten comfortable enough to laugh in front of me and she can look into my eyes longer now.

"Awe, don't burst my bubble, angel. Let a man dream." Yes, that's right. This was not a date. To her. But for me it's a study date.

"Let's get started." She shakes her head me. Smiling, she pulls out her supplies from her backpack.

"Alright." I follow her lead and take out my laptop from it's case.

We work on the seven page essay for a couple hours, in a comfortable silence. I was able to finish my portion quickly, thanks to my enhanced brain.

I spent the rest of the time staring at her. She'd bite her pen, once in a while, give a pout or a little smile here and there as she jots down her thoughts. I focus on her from behind my computer screen, taking in her every detail. The afternoon passes peacefully like this, as I admire the art in front of me.

In my trance like state, I hear my phone ring. Absent mindedly, I grab my phone off the table as Mythica looks up at me. Looking in her intoxicating eyes, I pick up the call. "Hello."

"My Lord."

Ah, fuck. My face hardens as look away from Mythica.

Staring out the glass window on my right side, I sigh catching the attention of Mythica.
"Henry." I say nothing but his name as an acknowledgment.

"... We need you help, sire."

"No." I sneer, holding in my anger. Are we doing this again? How many times has it been? I'm not even disappointed anymore, just tired.

"Please, my lord. I beg of you. There's nothing more we can do."

"Elaborate." Coldly, I demand an explanation for what got those fuckers at their wits end. Especially this guy.

"The hunters association has been linked to both the werewolves and some witches."

"Get to the point." He's taking too long talking. Mythica is getting curious. I don't want to lie to her if she asks.

"They experimented on the wolves, engineered dozens of them with magic and science. Our side is losing. Badly."

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