Chapter 8

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"Hah!" I scoff. "As if that's anything new. Anyway, I'm under no obligation to take care of those who had chosen to forsake their king. You also know of the promise I made in honor of you and the saintess."

"... I understand. Then may I use the seventh dark squad under sires name?"

"Henry. Have you come to the point of threating to touch my people?" No matter how polite he makes it seem, he still dared to threaten me, my people.

Centuries ago, we came to the agreement for both sides to walk away from each other. My people and I stay away from Italy and they have absolutely zero authority over my group.

Him using my seventh dark squad under my name indicates that I am under their hand. It seems that helping them a couple times, when the vampire race was at risk, lowered their fear of me. They now think of me as weak.

"N-no-no, my lord. That wasn't what I meant. My deepest apologies, master!"
Now, I'm your master? When was the last time he addressed me as master? Ah, that's right, never since he chose a new master.

"You've chosen to completely take their side, huh?" A father figure, the closest confident and servant to me... has chosen to completely abandon me.

I was thankful for all his teachings, thankful for him supporting me during the war of The Preachings. Thankful for him standing at my side during the war of Rebellions.

I forgave him when he later took their side. I forgave him for staying in that godforsaken den of the devils. I didn't even kill the traitors because he begged me not to.

I came running to help him even after I left. All for what? What have I been holding on to?

Not once, before now, has he asked me to use my people for that hypocritical abomination of impearl family and their nobles. He knows I value my people, my family. A group I considered him a part of. But no more. I now realize he isn't on my side, and he hasn't been since the day he chose to stay with them.

"Henry, don't mistake my gratitude and familial love for obedience and submission. I've had enough. I herby sever all ties with you, Henry Izzenkeel. Never contact me again." I cut the thread of magical connection I'd left between us. I can no longer sense him as a part of my coven.

I put my phone down, only to feel Mythica grab my left hand softly. I look up to her surprised. I completely forgot I was in front of her. She heard everything, damn it! I should have looked at the caller ID, I should have at least walked away!

"You're bleeding..." She mummers as she tries to softly unravel my clenched fist. I let her do so, because her touch calmed me down.

"... Sorry..." I say softly. I had ruined the mood for our date.

"It's okay." She says as she grabs a napkin to wipe the blood drops. Hesitatingly, she looks up at me. Meeting my eyes she asks, "Can you tell me who that was?"

Of course she would be curious, considering this was her first time seeing me angry and the weird words I used. If she wasn't holding my hand, I would've face palmed in distress already.

"It's complicated... Can I give you a short version for today and the long version in the future?" I say as I'm intertwining our fingers and leaning towards her.

She manages to nod, while blushing, before I continue. "The guy who called is Henry, a mentor of some sort. I became the kin- um leader, some way or the other, of this high class politically powerful club. I basically got overthrown and betrayed. So, I left and took those who chose to leave with me. Henry wanted to stay, and I was okay with it. I understood his reasons. Our relationship was strained but I would help him whenever need be, since he was more of father to me than my actual father. But he... well, let's say he took me for granted. Today, I severed ties with him. After all, I have someone now more precious to me to give all my time and emotions to." I finish off with a grin.

"I -I see..." She nods slowly with furrowed eyebrows, trying to understand the cluster of information I had thrown at her in less than two minutes.

"Alright." I sigh as I lean back. "I think we're pretty much done with the essay for today, let's pack up."

I stand up and put away my laptop. Mythica starts to pack up as well, glancing at me every other second.

Before we head out, I pay the bill at the front. We walk in silence for a few minutes, as I can tell she has more questions. I reach out to hold her hand, and she lets me, as I lead her to my car. I open the car door for her and close it before getting in the drivers seat. The next 15 minutes of the drive were spent in silence and stealing glances at each other.

The second I park in front of her house I step out my car and head over to open her sides door. She stares at me silently for second before stepping out and walking toward her house. I shut the car door in a rush as I quickly reach out to hold her hand.

I tug her towards me. I bring her hand that I'm holding to my chest as my other hand lays on her lower back. "Listen, I'm really sorry for ruining our first date. Can I get a second chance, please?"

"... I have more questions." She's probably thinking my past seems more complicated than she first thought.

"And I'll answer them all, I won't hide anything from you. Baby steps, though. We'll start with a couple questions each day. Is that okay?"

"Okay." She nods, with a small smile on her face. Finally, the gloomy vibes were gone.

"Then I'll see you at school tomorrow. Good night, love." I kiss her forehead before I watch her head home.

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