Chapter 4

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English went by peacefully after that scene, though I did get a few glances through out the class period. That chick and her friends looked angry the whole time, it was funny to see their expressions.

The next class periods, math and chemistry, went well. I only introduced myself and then sat down. The class contents were not difficult at all, so I guess that means I have more time to learn about the humans of this new era.

I'm a bit behind on the new world, since I went on vacation in the mountains while waiting for her. I also needed a break from the world around me so I went deep into nature. One can become quite depressed after living for hundreds of centuries. I had mostly feed on animals, a couple hikers here and there. The animals I killed, but I usually avoid killing humans. I just hypnotize them, drink a bit, then let them go with no memory of the traumatic event. Humans who piss me off, on the other hand, are as good as dead.

It was now 10:30, lunch is after three class periods.

"Hey, wanna sit with me an' my friends during lunch?" The guy next to me, Kyle, asked tapping my shoulder.
In this short hour or so I've learned that he is on the football team and has a sunshine personality type. He was my chemistry partner, so we've spent the hour playing with chemicals while talking. They had an interesting experiment scheduled for today.

"Sure. Lead the way, I've yet to find the cafeteria."

"Follow me, bro." He taps my shoulder with one hand as the other packs up.

I only brought a notebook and pencil with me today, so I don't stop by my locker. We stop by his locker though, as he wanted to put away his books. Two guys and a girl were waiting at his locker. I stop a few steps away to give them space.

"Hey, Kyle, who's this?" One of the guys asked, as all three had curious looks.

"New guy, and a friend from now on." Kyle grins while putting his stuff away. He then slams the locker shut.

He puts a hand on my shoulder again, for we are of the same height, and pulls me forward. His other arm goes to grab the shoulder of the other guy who spoke and starts running. We get dragged along with him.

" Hey, dude!"

" Come on, come on. Talk later, food first!" Kyle shouts. The two that were left behind sighed, and started walking after us. It seemed this was a normal occurrence with Kyle.

We finally settled down at a round table, after they all got their lunch. I only grabbed a water bottle. I can eat typical human food, but it's not what my body needs. I eat human food for the flavor.

"Kyle, do you mind doing the introductions now? Or do we have to wait till your done eating as well?" The girl with black hair and purple highlights says, rolling her eyes at Kyle who had a mouthful of his burger.

"Oh yeah, guys this is Blake Frost. Blake, this is my crew." He points to the unfortunate blond guy that was grabbed by him, like me. "This is Kris-" He goes to point at the next guy, a brunette, "Thomas, and-" I nod to each one as a hello.

"Sophia." She interrupts Kyle. She had long black hair with purple at the bottom half. "So, where did you from? England? You accent sounds nice. It does sound better than the american accent. Tell me about yourself, please!" Wow, she says all that in one breath.

I chuckled at her enthusiastic and straight forward personality. "Thanks for the complement. And, no I moved from Rome. Ask what you want to know and I'll tell you." I smile at her, I like humans who don't have vile souls. Her aura was clean. She seemed dazed for a moment, but I wait patiently for it to pass. And she does not disappoint.

"What's your favorite ice cream? Do you like the candy m'nms? What type of fast food do you like? What about-" She went on and on without giving me a chance to talk, until Thomas puts one arm around her waist and another on her mouth to quiet her down. Kyle and Kris were eating and watching the show.

"Babe, slow down. You need to give him a chance to talk." He says while laughing. She froze, then nodded as he let her go.

"Right, sorry, I got too excited." She gives an embarrassed smile.

"It's fine. I eat most flavors of ice cream, no favorite. I do like that candy, and no I don't fancy fast food much. I'd prefer to cook my own food." Though it's for her, not me. "Anymore questions?" I raise my eyebrows while smiling. I like this group, it's very entertaining.

"Yeah, do you wanna join sports? You seem buffed. Join the football team, Kyle and I are on it." Kris says while munching on fries.

"Hmm mm-hmmm." Kyle says something with his mouth full. He ends up getting ignored by us all.

"I wouldn't mind, I'll check it out later." I say watching Kris nod in satisfaction.

"Oh yeah, are the rumors true? You turned down the bitch queen by saying your gay? No offense, just curious on who would turn down that slut." Sophia starts again. Thomas gives a sorry look to me. It seems she runs her mouth a lot, while Thomas mediates.

"None taken. I did turn her down, she isn't my type. And I'm straight."

"I see, I see." She nods a couple times while smiling. "Don't worry either way, most of us here are open minded and a lot of people have come out already, like Kris, so don't worry."

"I have a sister, she'll be back tomorrow, you can meet'er then. She's had the stomach flu for two days now." Kyle says as he finishes off his last bite of the burger. I nod as I open my water bottle to drink.

She then leans forward, "I'm so curious, you gotta tell me. Whats your type of girl? Everyone is curious on how to catch the new hot guy. A friend asked me to ask you too." Her fingers were lightly drumming on the table as she spoke.

I clear my throat in amusement, "I like the innocent and cute petite type. They need to be smaller than me, so I can warp'em in my arms." I smile, that's how my beloved was looked multiple times in the past. But I would love her even if she has a different style or body type.

"Aw, that's so cute! I hope you find someone like that, you'd be such a cute couple!"

We continue talking talking for a half hour. I had also exchanged numbers with them all.

They've all finished eating by the time the warning bell rang. Sophia also seems to have run out of energy. We clean up where we ate and head to class. I had forensic science and then two hours of gym. I like working out and feeling my heart pump, it's a nice feeling.

I head off to my elective, forensic science with Sophia and her boyfriend Thomas. That class also went by peacefully. I certainly have a lot to learn from that class.

I then had gym for two hours. During which I spoke to the gym instructor, who was also the football coach. He asked for me to perform a couple of fitness tests that I passed with flying colors. He was enthusiastic as he welcomed me to the team. Meetings are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:15 to 5:15. We have a game every couple Fridays.

I texted Kyle and Kris on the group chat they had invited me to, letting them know, 'Coach let me on the team guys.'

Kyle: ' Fuck yeah! Congrats bro!'

Kris: ' Welcome aboard dude'

Sophia: ' Good for you, but I'll never understand why you boys love to sweat and burn in the sun for hours day after day?'

Thomas: ' Too bad, I wanted you to check out the soccer team with me'

I then got the notification,

' Admin Kyle added a new member of group Ma Crew: Mythica'

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