Problems in plane

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Out side of Kujo house Kakyoin and Avdol was talking about miss Holly. ''Even though it only around her back now... It I'll be only there for long..'' Avdol said ''Soon it will kill her. Those doctor are best of Speedwagon Foundation. They I'll take care her 24/7'' ''But they cant save her. Only thing can save her right now. We have to kill DIO before 30 days. Once his curse is gone. She'll be saved'' 

''What happened to me? I fell very hot?'' Holly said inside Kujo house ''I must have collapsed'' ''Because it's only on her back she isn't noticed it'' Jotaro stared his mom worried, but coldly. ''You worried me, Holly'' Joseph said to his daughter ''Come on lets brush your teeth'' He put some toothpaste in toothbrush and brushed his daughter teeth. ''Now lets brush your hair'' ''Trim your nails'' Joseph feed apples to Holly. ''Hey, dad. You should change my underwear'' Holly laughed. ''Oh no'' Joseph had bad flashback to when he did have to change Holly's diapers. 

''Now... What do my little Jotaro want for dinner'' Holly started to rise up her bed. ''Stop moving around!!! Just lie down and shut up!!'' Jotaro shouted with worry on his voice. Joseph saw that Holly's stand is starting to spread around her neck. ''I.... I mean anything before your fever get force. Just calm down and let yourself recover'' Jotaro tried to keep on his cool guy persona. ''Yes Yes, son'' Holly smiled ''Is nice that people care about when I have cold'' After that Holly closed her eyes. ''Holly, she passed out again'' Joseph shouted ''She acted like she is okey. Even thou her fever is killing her. She doesn't want to worry us. Just rest, Holly. We'll save you. You have nothing to worry about.'' 

Kakyoin and Avdol watched Jotaro and Joseph walking towards them. ''Is she okey? She is woman who make people fell safe. I want to protect her to see her motherly smile'' Noriko said. ''It's time to go'' Avdol said. 

In somewhere in Egypt. DIO's hand smashes camera. ''So, they know where I'm. Are you coming to Egypt? Joseph and Jotaro?'' DIO smirked in dark shoving of 'his' birthmark. 

In plane Joseph had bad felling about something. ''I felt like DIO was just watching us, that bastard. We must be careful, anyone in this plane could be enemy stand user'' Joseph said. ''You are right'' Jotaro said. ''That weird'' Noriko pointed at big stag beetle.  ''Bug in the plane? Definitely weird! It's hiding behind the chair'' Jotaro jump up his chair. ''Where?'' Avdol wondered. Everyone in the plane was sleeping. ''Avdol, could that be a stand'' Joseph asked ''Are DIO's agents already here?'' ''It could be. I'm sure stand be shaped like bugs'' Avdol told. 

''JoJo, it's behind your head!!'' Noriko shouted ''It's huge!!!'' Jotaro look behind him to see giant bug.  ''You are disgusting me'' Jotaro talk to bug '' Leave that to me'' ''Be careful. I have heard rumors about bug shaped stand, that can rip out your tongue. It could be it'' Avdol said. ''Star platinum!'' Jotaro tried to use Star platinum to catch it. Everyone was suprised when bug dodged Star platinum's hit. ''It moved faster than Star platinum!'' suprised Avdol shouted. ''That is stand. We must find the user'' Noriko said ''JoJo!! It's attacking!!!'' Jotaro put his stand arm to stop that stand, but it's sharp tongue destroyed hole to his stand arm. He was able to stop it with Star platinum's mouth. ''Jotaro'' ''JoJo'' 

''That is Tower card's tower of grey!!'' Avdol told ''I heard rumors about him. He is right now DIO's ally. He kills people and make it look like accident'' ''Ora, ora, ora!!!'' Jotaro tried to caught the stand, but it dodged all of Star platinum's hits. ''It dodged them all. How fast it's?'' Avdol noticed. ''Hehehe, no matter how you guys hit. You aren't able to caught me'' it joked. 'Which one is the stand user. We don't want to alarm them. It could be any one here' Joseph thought. ''Eh'' Jotaro saw stand disappearing 'It's gone' It repeated behind the passengers. ''It's over there!'' ''No, you can't'' It went right behind all of four passenger taking their tongue out. Noriko could believe any one could do anything like that.   ''That right. I took their tongue off'' stand laughed ''My coal is...'' It flew and wrote..

 *Massacre* ''He might do it. You'll burn for this'' Avdol summons his stand ''Magician's red'' ''Avdol!! Hold it!!'' Noriko worried about passengers.  ''Hmm, what is all this noice. I need to go to bathroom'' old passenger woke up ''Guess, I get up'' Man got up and walked to bathroom. On his walk he touched the wall. ''Oh, this plane is dirty'' man said, but was suprised after he saw what was that dirt. ''T-this is blood'' man screamed in horror. ''Go to sleep'' Noriko knocked man out. ''We must take care of this before other passengers found out'' Noriko said ''Avdol, your fire might explode the fire. And JoJo, I don't think you want to punch any holes into plane'' ''It's time to use my silent stand, Hierophant green'' Noriko declared. ''Hee hee, Noriko Kakyoin? I have heard things about you from DIO'' stand berated Noriko ''Like your stand is slow as shit stand'' ''Is that so?'' Noriko said proudly. 

''Emerald splash'' Noriko used her favorite move, but bug dodged them. ''It dodged them all'' Avdol commented. Stand also rip out part of Hierophant green's face mask and little bit of face. ''Shit, Kakyoin'' Jotaro shouted with rest of croup breaking his cool guy persona for minute. ''Kreee, you think you can hit me with lot of attacks? You are too slow to that, bitch'' bug laughed ''With next move I'll rip out you tongue. It could be good to use you know to what'' ''Emerald splash'' Noriko found back. ''Idiot, you still don't get it. After I rip off your tongue you will go mad at the pain'' Bug laughed at Noriko. ''My Hierophant green..'' Noriko proudly said. Her stand's little tentacles  struck Tower of grey all around it. ''I might tear something apart'' Noriko said ''My stand's flexible body already extended  below and inside the seats. The emerald splash was to get position for me to attack''

''That old man was stand user all the long'' Noriko said ''I see no DIO's spores?'' ''Tower of grey's stand user is right up evil. He might have do it only from money'' Avdol said.

Croup felt something weird tilting. ''Is it me just me or is this plane tilted?'' Joseph asked ''No!! It's tilted!!!'' ''Excuse me, sir, you can't go there. It's for pilots only'' one of flight attendants said. Both flight attendants looked at aww passing Jotaro. ''Move'' Jotaro pushed girls out the way. ''Excuse him. He isn't good with humans.. but this is emergency'' Noriko apologized for Jotaro. ''Oh my god, they are all dead'' Joseph saw dead bodies of pilots ''Their tongue have been rip out. '' ''Bug must gotten here already'' Jotaro commented. ''Planes controls have been destroyed'' Joseph noted ''We'll crash soon'' Croup heard laughing behind them. ''What the...'' Jotaro looked behind him. Old man was still alive. ''Tower symbolized destruction of your journey. You will never reach DIO even if you would survive the plane crush!! DIO's agent will stop you. There stand in world with power behind that you can ever imagine. You will never reach Egypt'' man said his last words perishing from blood lost. 

''You two are well trained. Good that you didn't scream. Go tell  passengers that we'll be doing emergency water landing'' Jotaro said to two flight attendants. ''Ye... yes'' ''I have flown few propeller planes when I was young'' Joseph went to take controls. ''This is a jet'' Noriko commented. ''Hey, Jotaro. This will be my third plane crash. Have you known ever any one who has crashed three times?'' Joseph asked. Croup just stared at Joseph. ''I will never fly with you ever again!!!'' Joseph grandchild shouted at him.

To be continued

Notes: I'll draw new cover I don't want to keep cover which I stole from someone. When cover is made by me there will be comment by me here! Thanks for reading. 

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