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Note: I had problem and half of my story I already wrote got deleted.... So, I needed to wrote it again....

''Oh, Jotaro I forgot my wallet. I'll get it'' Noriko said. ''Be fast'' Jotaro said. One second later Noriko arrived. ''Hey, I'm back'' Noriko smiled. ''It's didn't took long'' Jotaro said.

''Hey, I'm back'' Noriko smiled ''JoJo? Oh.. he left...'' Noriko looked down sadly ''Well, I'm not suprised'' ''Least I can go take sun''

''There is.... a..... traitor!'' ''What!! What did say!!'' Joseph asked for Avdol. ''It sounded like: Along us there is a traitor'' Avdol answered. ''Nori.....ko.....Kakyoin... Be careful..... he's.... DI.... O.. 's.... agent'' ''No!! Kakyoin!!'' Joseph shouted. ''It's not possible, Kakyoin? DIO's agent?'' Avdol shouted. In television started shape something human like. ''It's him!!'' Joseph realized that it was DIO ''He caught us!!'' ''You, Joseph Joestar, are watching me again'' DIO pointed on television.

''DIO!!!'' Joseph shouted before television exploded. ''Look out!!!!'' Avdol saved Joseph from explosion. ''Dammit, he felt our interfering'' Joseph said. ''What's going on?'' Avdol said confused. ''You heard it yourself. DIO has Jonathan's body and link to me. That why me Hermit purple can read his mind'' Joseph told ''Kakyoin is DIO's agent, she is traitor!! My stand said that!!''

''What? There is no way! We got rid of spore and she beat that stand user in plane. She can't be traitor. She is too sweet to that'' Avdol said. ''I don't know.. I trust Kakyoin. There could be another explanation, but if she is working for DIO. She'll do her move when our guards are down. Kakyoin is DIO's Trojan horse'' Joseph said ''Where is she now?'' ''She is with Jotaro'' Avdol told ''They getting our bus or train tickets to India''

''Oh, look, JoJo, there is ice cream parlor'' Noriko took her wallet ''Oh, it's just a coconut parlor. Let's continue walking'' Guy walking past Noriko drew his interest to Noriko's wallet. ''Hah, got it'' guy grapped Noriko's wallet. Noriko stared angry at theft, before she summoned her stand to grab theft's legs.

''What the'' theft felt. Theft got scared by Noriko angry stare. ''You useless piece of shit, How dare you steal my wallet'' Noriko shouted angry. ''What is going on?'' Jotaro turned his head. ''Take this, you pig!!!'' Noriko kicked theft face. ''Kakyoin!!'' Jotaro shouted. ''You shithead who just crawled out of toilet. You used your dirty hand........ to steal my wallet'' Noriko lifted theft top of her head ''You son of bitch!!!!!'' ''I'm sorry'' theft had hard time to breath ''Help me!!!!''

''Hey, what are you doing!! He's dying!!'' Jotaro was suprised by Noriko's anger and strength ''Stop it!!!'' ''Die!! Die!! Die!! Die!!'' Noriko shouted angrily.

''Kakyoin!!! I told you to stop!! Didn't you hear me'' Jotaro pushed Noriko way from theft ''Kakyoin, what the hell is wrong with you!!'' ''JoJo, that hurt. You didn't have to push me so hard'' Noriko smiled, but her smile didn't fell like her sweet smile nor her cocky smirk ''He tried to steal my wallet. He is evil and he deserves to be punished'' ''Isn't that true, Jo-ta-ro'' Noriko put her finger top of her bottom lip.

Jotaro stared angrily at Noriko. ''Why are you staring me? You look angry, Jotaro. Are you mad at me, because I punished theft?'' Noriko asked ''Or are you turned on?'' Noriko and Jotaro had long stare down. ''Wow, beetles!'' ''Where where!'' ''Look!!'' ''Up there is four of them'' four kids rounded tree.

Noriko turned to look at tree and started laughing. ''Jotaro, you are making too big deal out of this. I fell very impatient today'' Noriko smiled, still her smile being weird ''I'm bit tired by this trip. I didn't feel to well and it happens to you also. It's true that I was little to rough to that guy'' ''Don't feel well? You don't look like it'' Jotaro commented, but then he turned towards their destination ''Grampa and Avdol plan to take the train to India. We'll be leaving tomorrow. Let's go get those tickets''

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