Bonus Clip

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Edward's P.O.V

Everyone started to walk out but Adeline stopped and looked over to my family and Bella. "Addy? Are you coming?" Her mother asked giving her a look. "I'll be there in a second. I need to talk to them." Her mother nodded heading towards the door, Sara, and Paul, both gave her kiss on the cheek as they walked out.

Be careful bloodsucker, she's out for your head. Paul's voice rang through my head with a sinister laugh as he walked out with his other imprint.

"Edward, I have a few questions for you." I felt my body betray me by going tense when I heard her voice. Everyone turned towards Adeline with curiosity on their face. "Who helped Alice and Bella save you when you were on a suicide mission?" She crossed her arms staring me directly in my eyes. I knew this was coming "Adeline stop..." Bella warned her as I wrapped my arm around her waist. Adeline sent a glare over her way, "No, let him respond. Edward?"

"You did." My voice was hard and sharp filled with venom. "Exactly, who helped Bella the months you left her? Who was there for the moments she woke up screaming in pain from the hole you punched in her heart?!" Her voice was starting to get louder as hers and my anger flourished. I couldn't help but clench my jaw seeing her real eyes glowingly with hate, "You did Adeline." I couldn't help but be a little of scared of her, "So, tell me, why did you think I was a dangerous monster that was going to hurt Bella when you put her through the most pain since she met you? And yes, I know the real reason she broke her leg two years ago. I have never put her through the amount of danger that you have in the one year that I have had my powers." I still up quickly ready to defend myself over whatever attack she was going to do. My actions caused her to laugh. Next thing I knew my whole body was paralyze, "Don't even think about it. I would never put her in the danger that you have. She is my cousin; I would do anything for her no matter where our relationship stands right now. So, don't you think for one second if you come between our relationship again, or hurt her again that I won't hesitate to kill you." She flicked her hand unfreezing me before leaving the room.

"That was very entertaining." Emmett called over to me with a smirk plastered on his face. I sent a glare his way before sitting back down next to Bella. "You had to pick a fight against one of the strongest witches in history Edward?" My fathers usual calm voice had an edge to it now. "They're danger Carlisle, you saw what she just did without even trying." I looked over to him earning a scoff from everyone around me. "To say you didn't deserve it would be a lie, Edward. You drove a wedge between your mate and her cousin. Does Adeline know that Bella wants to turn?" Rosalie walked over to me with judgement clear in her eyes before dragging Emmett out of the room.

Carlisle placed a hand on my shoulder before speaking, "Edward, you are lucky that Adeline loves Bella so much. We are lucky to have so many people that want to fight to protect her. Especially with how strong Adeline's coven is." I scoffed and looked over to Bella who was looking down at her hands. "You can't be against me too?" I asked her only to make her shake her head in response, "She's my cousin Edward, I owe a lot to her." I watched as she walked away from me leaving.

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