Blue Eyed Boy

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Just wanna say in advance sorry for any grammar mistakes or confusions...


I sat down tapping my blue mechanical pencil on the hard wooden desk in front of me. I knew the teacher was talking but to be honest I had no interest in listening.

"BEXLEY!" I heard the teacher yell snapping me out of my daze.

"Um yes?" I replied looking up at the tall man standing above me wearing an impatient look.

"What's the answer" the teacher, Mr. Calman pointed to the white board behind him. On it a confusing equation that just looked like a bunch of scribbles to me.

"18" I questioned, cringing at my horrible attempt at a guess.

"Incorrect, Mrs. Hartford" Mr. Calman Sighed as he took his thick rimmed glasses off and ran them across his blue collared shirt.

"You are going to fai-" his wrath was cut short by the dismissal bell. Saved by the bell... quite literally!

"Got to go, see ya" I gathered my textbook in my arms and all but ran out of that dull room, I could hear the teacher calling out for me from behind but decided to just pay him no attention.

I race through the hallways trying to escape the now angered teacher. Just as I was about enter the girls bathroom. BAM I run into something hard making me fall straight on my butt, did I just hit a wall? Welp wouldn't be the first time.

Darn. As I begin to brush my black skirt off now littered with dust. I hear someone clear their voice from above me.

I look up to reveal the most ATTRACTIVE man I have ever laid my eyes on! No like for real he was finneeee.... He was wearing a black hoodie, black ripped jeans with chains and some awesome airforces with a black bandanna bow on the top!

Along with the perfect fit he had black hair, beautiful blue piercing eyes and a perfect jawline!

I must have been staring a while cause out of no where I hear the guy say "hello?". Oops

"Oh um hi I'm sorry did I hurt you when I knocked into you, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and-" I began to ramble waving my arms around like a phsyco... OH YEAH... AND STILL ON THE FLOOR..

He raised his hand to dismiss me before cutting off my rant. "No you didn't hurt me your like 90 pounds and 5.1, I'm pretty sure I'm good" he rolled his eyes as two guys behind him chuckle I'm assuming they were his friends....

I mimicked his eye rolling and scoffed I'm actually 5.2 but I didn't think that would hold up in this argument. I slowly stood from my almost permanent spot on the cold tile floor.

"Yeah ok we'll I'm glad I didn't hurt you or whatever I think I'll get going now" I once again dusted of my skirt while pulling it down since it had seemed to rise up quite a bit while chilling on the floor.

I swiftly turn on my raised converse high tops causing them to squeak against the tile. Not wanting anything at all but to get out of this awkward situation.

As I slowly slid away I could feel his eyes peering into the back of my head. "Wait" he calls out, I stop walking but don't turn around. "What's your name?" He asks I can hear the smirk in his voice... like come onnnnnn.

"Bexley, my friends call me Bex though" I said now facing him matching his smirk. Once again I begin to turn away but before walking away I added "you can call me Bexley though". And with that I took my leave walking swiftly down the hall way and out of sight of the blue eyed boy.

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