A Formal Introduction

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This is super shorttttt!!! But it's just an introduction so yeah!

Ok so Im sure you all want an introduction so here it is..

My name is Bexley Hartford pronounced Bex-Lee and I go to High School in the one and only LA, its amaze-balls... note my sarcasm. My family and I have been living here since I was in eighth grade, ever since my dad moved us HALF WAY ACROSS THE COUNTRY for a job promotion. I wonder If the jobs know that they ruin childrens lifes in the middle of the process.

Ok Ok Im being dramatic I really cant complain that much because we actually live in a really nice house right next to the beach, and honestly its not like I left any friends at my old school. Thats right, I had no friends at my old schools, probably because I was known as the"push away friend". Yep, I pushed people away thats probably why I only have one friend at my school right now.

His name is Trevor Rolmand, he unlike me is popular I have no clue how we became friends... Well actually I do, we were both in the same science class in eighth grade, when he noticed I was new he sat with me instantly. Throughout the whole year we did pranks and jokes on the teacher Mrs. Winberg who was too old and tired to even began to figure out who was doing them.

That... is how we became good friends, once we hit highschool and he glew up tramindousley and by that I mean TRAMENDOUSLEY I thought he would ditch me, but he didnt. He had golden blonde hair that flowed messily on his head with dark green eyes and a muscular build. Oh yeah and he TOWERED over me which I mean most people do since Im 5'2 TALL. Trevor was 5'10 and he played ALMOST ALL SPORTS, soccer, baseball, powerlifting, and football. How do people even have the time, bro I could never.

Now back to me, I on the other hand am 5'2 I have long straight brown hair, light green eyes, I would say Im more pale then tan but Im more inbetween the both. I do one sport, Soccer and I only do that because Trevor made me, claiming, "You need to stay in shape if you want a mans".

I only agreed so he would leave me alone.

Now for the part all of you are waiting for... Ryan Stamel he's the guy I bumped into in the hallway. He is 6'0 and also has a muscular build, he has black hair and bright peircing blue eyes, like those eyes can burn a hole straight through someone. He's the "It Boy' of the school like the cliche goes all the girls wanna date him and all the guys wanna be him. I dont really have any beef with him so I dont really care who or what he does. But Trevor absolutely hates him, he wont tell me why but to be honest I dont care. I assume its something that Ryan did in one of their many sport activities...

Well.. I think that's enough rambling for today...

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